Wednesday, March 28, 2012

So many forms of creativity on the planet!

I am surely a product of my childhood and it's influences. If I used to live on an island in the Pacific Northwest and get strange impressions, such as one of two men who had to argue over a horse for not much better reason than to simply have an argument over it, then that kind of thing can branch out into things I see in the universe today. Who did I see? There's the Emerson/Thoreau thing. Those guys are dead now. I'm sure E. was excellent at performing for the masses. But what if some of the energy that made him got dispersed after he died and came back and collected in other people? Would he necessarily be famous and published? What if some of the energy that made him also created some quieter guy, who could be a little bit spiritual with a somewhat sharp sense of humor sometimes, and his nature-loving neighbor liked to take walks with him (even though she also felt he was way too much of a hallway snob sometimes), and also, for some (god knows what) reason, he decided to join the military? Possibilities, possibilities...

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