Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Information can also be funny

There are times when it occurs to a writer that if life puts certain things in your line of view, and if you don't at least look at them, well, it may be that you are not be quite living up to life's expectations? So. In this case, life said, "there is a distant relative that has a different sort of occupation and you are supposed to at least be aware of this." Also, is said to be published in various places, including in a book called Lost and Found... (which I have not read.) So anyways, I think I will post these because sometimes, it is a little bit hard to resist something that may strike you as being funny....

Dear Mistress: The Strong Submissive Type
Dear Mistress: Domina Anonyma

Only listened to about 40ish seconds of the second one. It was funny. Ergo, I had to stop; there's all this other paper work to attend to and it would be too distracting listen to it and to try to complete it all.
Could be funny? Quite? Maybe?
For now, have to go and attend to the paperwork.
Viva las interesting females
Viva los interesting males
(Including nuns and monks and other religious/spiritual types!)

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