Monday, March 26, 2012

Attitude of Gratitude

It is true that life can seem quite financially challenging at times. However, when all is said and done, I certainly am grateful to have a bed to lie upon. I am also grateful that I can avail myself of the bedclothes which also lie on the bed, if the need to lay myself upon it should ever arise.

Hopefully, the tense was being used correctly in that sentence: Lay vs. Lie

One could always wish for more in life, I suppose. But really...if I feel weary and I am at home, at least, for the time being, there is not merely a dirt floor, or hardwoods, or carpet, but an actual bed at my disposal. With bedclothes. Why complain?

Another object of my gratitude: a yoga mat. It was recently purchased with a gift card. I suppose I should make a date with it. So far, it is practically untouched.

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