Saturday, July 30, 2011


Mao. Because how often do cats actually say "Me-yow"?
Mao. Because it's almost time to feed some cats.
Mao. Because it's Caturday.


Aw, jobs that girls do! Aw, jobs that boys do! Aw, pay discrepancies! AW. It's interesting because if you say "I worked jobs as a receptionist/waitress/cafeteria worker/library assistant/office assistant and took out student loans in college" it somehow just lacks the panache of "I worked in XYZ manly muscle job to get through college." It was probably higher paying than those little customer service jobs that more girls do, so maybe that's why, because as everyone knows, boys jobs matter more! Even though they still want secretaries and waitresses and receptionists around for some reason.

But its even stranger when you take it further. When you are like "SOME people worked in a LIBRARY but I WAS DOING A REAL JOB." Apparently, something like working in a library at a lower level, (which is also a highly female profession, according to a person I know who is working on an MLS) just doesn't count as much, like actual jobs involving upper body strength and bigger paychecks. I'm also thinking of something I heard on TV the other day. Middle-aged women are at the highest risk for suicide these days. Are any of them laid off librarians?

Personally, I have loved libraries so much in my life. And I know they can have funny shenanigans and the job isn't always peachy and full of shelving books (thinking of the coworkers and bosses of college library I worked in, who could be rather unpleasant in various little ways, who told me I didn't look like I was really sick when I had severe weakness and anemia from crazy blood clots/bleeding, who left me nasty note in my mailbox threatening get me fired because someone thought I looked at them the wrong way--and I might've, because the girl in question was horrible to be around on numerous occasions, especially when she said she was a psychology major with no sympathy for the suicidal. "I'd probably hand them the gun and tell them to do it," she said. And, there was the person who sent me packing up a long windy hill to carry packages when I obviously had bronchitis and really wanted to be curled up in bed. Really? you couldn't have chosen one of the other peons who wasn't coughing their lungs out? And all for a minimum wage.) But that doesn't mean I don't love libraries, or think their employees' jobs should be trashed as unimportant.

It's also sad when they cut all the librarians and teaching assistants from schools. In first grade, I had a teacher with a really nasty attitude. There was a teaching assistant in that class. She, in comparison to the truly wretched woman, was nice. I mean she wasn't THAT nice. But still. Nicer. Thinking of someone eliminating her job makes me sad. If you're stuck with an embittered teacher who likes to dole out punishment and humiliate you for your accent and gangs up kids to pick on each other and will shove you in front of the class and make you cry because you were staring out the window during the math lesson, and then yells at you for being so embarrassing as to cry about being humilated in front of the whole class, then it's nice to know there's at least someone else, who you can tell feels bad for you, by the expression on her face. Boo for cutting teaching assistants. BOO.
Boo for people who need to put down others in order to make themselves seem awesome.
Not awesome.

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Boy, sometimes forums are depresso. Thanks to so many disliking a certain song (which I wasn't all that fond of to begin with either, actually) the song pushed on my brain and now I actually like it much better, and also the video. Like! like! like! 500 Miles. Sometimes that's the side effect I get out of feeling overexposed to that silly groupthink stuff.
Next time I procrastinate and it's day time I will not internet stuff. Please.
I will be off to a park.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Well, apparently not everyone finds the same amount of humor in My Name Is Mr. Dollar.
Oh well. Maybe it helps if there was more of a nutty religious element to your childhood.


Almost forgot Dante. Humanity really is like a family. Dante thought they were very silly to move his bones, centuries later. In a kindly way. He thought, with love, that they really were quite silly. He SHOWED me so.


Isn't life good sometimes? Just because it's crazy. I think so. Here's some crazy stuff I can ponder! Ha.

Not long ago, I was on a beach talking to the bellisimo friend who is good at tolerating my craziness. I decide to confide one bit of madness. I think I might've met the artist's parents. When I was at the old restaurant job! So, yeah. I totally believe it could've happened. And I didn't know it at the time. They were just nice older people. With a funny sense of humor. It's a nice thing to encounter when you have a job like that...and you know, I can't say so for sure. But I think if it's not true, then, at the very least, Jehovah on High sent similar people and little entities whispered things to make it seem so! (And not at the time either. But later on, upon reflection.) Yay...well, I was trying to explain to skeptical bellisimo friend why it could be so. I said "it could be!" Because of this and that. Church people, people who do certain things for a living, etc. I think I understand some of them...I don't have ministers in my family but I have zealots, people who read the Bible in Greek and Aramaic, people who proselytized informally, and people who (I've been told) almost called the cops on each other after fighting over the interpretation of a Bible verse. {Oh and another thing. Off topic, but related, if you're me. If you're me, and you saw a story-teller, and then you got flashbacks of seeing the storyteller moping around in a different life all the time, that's not crazy either. So there. So no lying. Maybe no broadcasting, okay, fine whatever, BUT, no lying either. Lying is BAD KARMA I think. Um, not to be too negative though.} Anyways. Even if they were a bit overly harsh about the poor Siamroot girl, I think some forums have been fun places for discovery this month. And so...Hello Mr. Dollar. The creator also tweets. I was intrigued by a tweet back in January: "The tragedy is the youth have closed their ears to the wisdom of the patriarchs." That doesn't apply to me at all. Hello, B. Franklin and Thoreau, hijackers.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Unsung hero?

Never heard of him growing up. Didn't give my full attention to the documentary on Olmsted because it was on public TV when I was trying to work on something else, but it kept distracting me. Really, tears came to my eyes. The guy created parks and wanted people to have psychological relief from enjoying them. He suffered from debilitating depression and dementia, and spent his last years at an asylum where he had designed the grounds. He also published Thoreau and Melville in Putnam's Magazine.

Monday, July 25, 2011


A car with A/C in it again, and
another road trip but this time with Mountain


I'm watching some Seattle news. Oh! City and region unseen by these eyes for twelve whole years! Why does it seem I can never live or even visit where it feels like I grew up? Like some people can... The name of a community in the area triggered a well-entrenched song memory. 80s Bread commerical.
"They baked in the oat bran so there's oat bran in your toast, yes there's oat bran nutrition in Poulsbo..."
Can't find it though. Bummer.

Interesting bit of knowledge

Brought today by the internet. Hurrah for economically feasible entertainment!
(Actually I did get to listen to a concert out of doors over the weekend and it was really lovely. People should listen to music in a natural environment more often! Under the stars is the best.)
The discovery was: now I know there's an actual BULL on this song: Professional Widow
Didn't know that. Don't have the album cover/liner notes to that one.
There she sits on the porch, child of her Appalachian ancestors.
So people from all over the world have listening parties online. They pick a time and an album and comment rapturously on each song. Of course I must have known this, in the back of my mind. But maybe in the front part, I didn't KNOW know it? Some of those people are all ready to gleefully and mercilessly trash the poor Siamroot girl when she debuts on TV tomorrow. I'm suppose she'll have a learning experience ahead of her...

Friday, July 22, 2011


I always liked "Crazy" and I like this rendition at Rockefeller Ctr., ending with some lyrics by Moby (forget what it's called.) The all-female back-up band is kinda cool, too.
Natural Blues, that's what it is.

Aw $ you brute...bah

Around here, it seems that if you're a librarian or a teaching assistant in the schools, there's a horribly good chance that you no longer have a job. If you're teacher and you're still working then it's likely your class size has almost doubled, you got a reduction in salary, and there's a big increase in what you pay to have health insurance. Kids need extra help but where can they go to get it? Even that is a question, unless more volunteers can be found. Yesterday this person at a place where I've volunteered for the past 6 months told me that for the last job opening they had there, which I applied to, which was a part-time job, paying WAY LESS than $10/hour, they actually got well over 100 applications. Sometimes, hearing things like!

Many of my friends who are lucky enough to be working full time have had those salary reductions and health care increases and must also deal with the stress of seeing their coworkers get laid off, not because they're bad workers, but because the company is making cuts again. Who is next? That's in addition to those other little curveballs life throws at them.

While occupying my time in rather more frivolous ways instead of filling out still more applications yesterday, I found this sheep on twitter. I'm not some person who is jealous because she thinks she's sooo much better at playing piano (I know I'm not! I can't even play it!), but for some reason, as I was telling someone about the twitter sheep, I suddenly found myself in hysterics.

He looked at me, mystified, inquired as to whether or not my state was alcohol-induced (it wasn't) and then typed in "meth lab dog," to show me an example of the kind of humor that he finds to be funny. (At first I thought he was typing it to show me how I look when I get hysterical.)

I see there are people now making fun of a new artist, who is coming out, kind of under the wing of the people who are working with an artist that she (and they) admire. I don't think the girl is at all bad and I hope she does well. I like the Siamroot song, myself. However...People that are stressed are sometimes more mean, I guess. All those little factors weigh on people. (Is this why I found suddenly found myself hysterical about the twitter sheep? "Baaaa.")

Maybe the peanut gallery's not that mean, then (even though they are); they're probably stressed. Life was mean to them! Its way too tempting for them to blow off some steam about someone who looks to them like a prissy person who got some easy breaks in life. Sad perhaps. But other stuff is much sadder! Such strange times...Ay yi yi yi. And hopefully the country's credit rating won't get messed with. Off to dentist! Hope I can acquire dental insurance again in the near future, too.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

lizards and snakes...

The part that goes "I've got lizards and snakes running through my body funny how they all have my face..." from Sweet Dreams off Tales Of A Librarian..."he gotta be strong if he want to be a man..."
At the old restaurant job, girls never were barbacks. A girl asked. The manager said as a joke, "Your boobs would get in the way." Surely some fit girls can do it. If it was so hard, why did you have to listen to the guys who did it say it was easy for them compared to waiting tables?
Too much slow business at the bar those nights?
My friend who is going for an MLS said but this is worse...even though most librarians are women, most in library adminstration are men.
Here's a slide show about women in library administration...
"Gender is a troubling factor in the ratio..."
A different version of Sweet Dreams.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Fried egg

This is you
This is you not making enough $$$
This is your brain on all the stuff that gets said about the economy and all the times you hear about jobs you might have liked that are now getting cut and layering despair thickly on top of despair and despair and despair
Change the channel.

Hey what happens

What happens is, sometimes being the kind of person who gets too motion sick at the last Harry Potter movie and needing to leave for 10 minutes. What is it. The camera work? Inner ear? Too much noise for a HSP (highly sensitive person)? Too much gigantic screen? Too much noise in the head? Not eating properly beforehand? Poverty anxiety? Today is the first day of the rest of your life of not going to pieces because you haven't figured it all out and this weird agoraphobic person occasionally or often takes over your bizarre physical form including the brain which is swimming with clips from or about lives of other persons & etcetra.
After staring at the carpet for a while, nausea can finally dissipate. Hey this song comes on: Third Nature - Lost For Now. Surely someone thinks it cheesy. Who cares helps a sick person. It betters a theater goer. It grants the ability to return and enjoy the last portion of the movie.
Oh and now I'm happy because I had to totally click on this little film about Guess Who. Just because it was an important game, some years back. And it was sexist! I didn't remember that but now I do. (A commenter says "You always lost this game if you got a girl.") I am strangely happy whenever I find another little innocuous evil having to do with gender discrimination from childhood. I mean not forever, but when I first find it out. It's like a little light bulb goes off.
Before that I watched this movie about cupcakes and stuff for almost two minutes. Before that I watched Lost Things and it was interesting.
Okay, maybe back to the cupcake one ("Sweet Dreams") now.

Monday, July 18, 2011


What's cheery about the clip of the artist playing Jackie's Strength on The Tonight Show and the interview afterwards is her reaction to his "You used to live here, right?" Ha ha.
Reminds me...the other day a checkout lady told me she'd love to live in Seattle because she loves the weather up there. Yesss!!! With an inward smirk, I thought "Not every single soul living here is a sun worshiping freak. Please let me meet more of these people."
Actually, I worship the sun, too--in OTHER places. I just love the sun more when there's a little less of it to go around!

What was...

On a certain night, a girl's life came back. So there are details, again. She gets sent away to be a maid, some stuff, some feelings, some other stuff, she gets knocked down by a guy, and she leaves the body, floats around the room, but she didn't die. Mmmmm. It was very sad, but not so much just because of the details, it was the feeling that was sad, the feeling that went with it at 3 0'clock in the morning, crying about some other person's life, which got implanted into your head for some reason, or it was just the feeling, that touched on the details of something else? But then, it has to be let go of. There's lots of people that didn't know what to do when they faced something dreadful. There's that older documentary, Maxed Out, that talks about people, even college kids, committing suicide, seeing debts piling up and seeing no way out. There were all those dreadful things. They happened to your family, to you, to your neighbors and friends. There was all that PTSD and suffering. But then the sun came up and went down, and came up and went down, and came up and went down again, and what was it going to be again, the next thing you did, on the next day, what was it going to be...

Fun Side-by-Side Viewing/Listening

Lisa Hannigan covers Personal Jesus
Couple Sees Jesus IN Walmart Receipt

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Sometimes it seems hard to sew together so many pieces of a life.
The life is meant to be lived, apparently.
But it oh why could it not have just stayed in the same spot with the same people? After all, some people have had that.
Probably that would have been a comfort?
But it was not so. And anyway. What if it's not even that which is troubling.
What if it's just the lack of funds to go back to anywhere?
That is so challenging.
But. What if there were funds to go, and it still didn't even help?
Although it usually does help. Moving is refreshing. It's hard to be stranded. But there it is. Sometimes that's where you might find yourself. Stranded in one place, seemingly far away from the others. And staring into your hands, which are holding so. many. pieces. Of A Life.
At such a time, what else is there to ask of such a life, but to gain more knowledge of sewing?
There was that one piece that had a song called One Grain Of Sand.
And much later on, there was Sea Song from Sea Sew.
Hopefully, the pieces will start to feel more sewn together soon.

Friday, July 15, 2011


So it would be so cool if all of it was like the happy end. The yay! Happy ending of writing! So happy! Oh so happy.
Sometimes other stuff is needed. Like music in the background. To get through the writing drudgery.
I have a fantasy. Either the writing is going to be happy or the music in the background will make it better.
Today's end reward: getting to learn about Yvonne Rich!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

It came up, so

watched it and felt amused. Yup.
Day n Night (set in a drugstore type place)
Maybe it was the Spicy Rosemary Lemonade.
Day n Night - diff video

sounds I like

sounds I like are like sounds from the bottom of gray pottery bowls filled with water

Cosas...a freewrite

The word is Spanish. Brought by them. In their Biblias. It's not English. Not cosset. Or closet. Or coax. Cosas. Affect. Una Vida. Que Cosas? Songs. Sad things. Tragedies. Painful things. Happy things. Ch ch ch ch ch ch ch...a sound to make with the mouth. Maybe if you are a varon man in sudamerica you should make that sound or else kissing sounds at a stranger, a crying gringa girl, or even more often at your very own countrywomen. A woman might also make a joke about una americana como...white frog soup! What? Sapo. A slang term for girls's private parts. A funny joke to make when borracha, no? Um. So much confusion yes in the various countries of the world. Abortions? Are they legal in this country? Rapes? What is done with the kits if they are even supplied? And genitals are to mutilate? Why are these things so important? And yet so not important to the Real People who have the other type of private parts? And RULE the WORLD so it appears but in fact...there is a question that they actually do that...and if so if they do it very well, at all? Hmmm. Hmmm? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. MMMMMMMMMMMMMM. mmmmmmmm. m. M. M. M. M. m m You know it's good when people make that mmm sound in their mouths...So. What a chore. Chore? Is it a Chorus? Kore?
Freewrite finished to the sound of...You and Whose Army?

Why so?

Songs have the answers! So select some...

Oh boy

I love filling out applications. Love, love, love. It is so character building to reiterate employment history over and over again. Hot dog. LOVE IT.
Thus I employ a rosy POV. Rosy rosy rosy rosy rosy rosy rosy!!! ;-DDDD


Laura in Bulgaria. I like that one very much. It's nice it's still there. I like the featured dancer, I like the trumpet player and I like the group in a circle around them. She is a good teacher; I got to see her teach a class some years ago. Life was pretty different a few years ago. I lived in a different place. Although I still didn't make enough, I wasn't as in debt. Well, I will just have to find some way out of it.

Sunday, July 10, 2011


I was doing my usual little youtube surf of looking for the artist, but something came up about writers on the Daily Show, and hey, since I'd recently been looking at a clip of her appearance on that show, I thought I'd click. And holy whoa. The 11 humans on stage all have the necessary appendage. You know the one I'm talking about. I wonder if it will be normal to have closer to half of the group of writers for some type of comedy show (if not that one) who can not only be funny but also in possession of skills with tampons (for their intended purposes) by the time I'm 60? Sooner would be even cooler.
And they ought to actually call themselves band of brothers, or at least boy cousins, 'cause they all look alike, too.

Bright insights o' the mornin'

Okay, so I'll also put this one in since it amused me a few days ago:
Artist on Daily Show in '99 or something.
And, this morning I found:
Colbert's dancing & NorthernLad/BakerBaker/Cooling.
How fun, darlingdarling blog.

Saturday, July 09, 2011


I respect a lot of things about dreams. I respect that artists can convey certain strengths to you in dreams. I respect that you can be friends with a person you don't really know in "real life," in dreams. There's flying dreams, there's travelling to other lands dreams. Real life often can't encompass everything that you can experience in dreams...which are, sometimes, something to savor.

Part of a morning

Listened to some old Gorillaz songs.
Clint Eastwood & Feel Good Inc.
Those songs I'd heard before but never knew who the artists were but someone else did.
Looked at Caturday
I like the one with the frowning cat not looking at smiling sidewalk chalk cat and the cat on the airconditioner.
Now watching The Extra Man. We'll see if it is funny.
It was. ;-)

Friday, July 08, 2011

For some reason

it's kind of like you have to have a penis to be a recording engineer! Weird huh? So funny. Music industry, movie friendly to penises. It wouldn't seem like that was a necessary component for mixing music for a living, eh? It's just so bizarre! Well, it's just looking at wikipedia. (Out of 79-80 "Recording engineers of note" one was a woman.) One! One! One! Better than none! So. Do recording engineers generally like their jobs and also make enough $$$ to pay the bills? It seems like there should be more than just ONE woman on that list! Ahem. I SUPPORT WOMEN GETTING OUT OF POVERTY and into more creative occupations.
Including in music and film.
Maybe watching Can't Hug Every Cat can make you feel better.

Friends with...

She was not poor, only not rich enough. She was not on food stamps, only sometimes there were holes in her clothes and the preppy girls laughed. (It was before grunge became popular.) Pretty evil. The holes would not be there forever. Some of the girls she felt most comfortable with, for some reason, the preps called them "the hos." Friends with the hos. That could be a title. She was a bit too nerdy to be a ho herself. But she didn't make good enough grades to be a smart kid. Just always reading books. The hos saw in her the potential for a makeover.
Don't Make Me Over - Sybil (1989)

Pray sing chant throat whistle

Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the lord my teeth to keep
healthy and not causing pain
and good doctors to keep one sane
It also would be very nice
to have insurance for a good price
And if it pleaseth so the lord
Send me the bills I can afford

How many points make a star

So, I have determined I rather like the Siamroot song. I really do like the idea of someone making music about how someone else's songs infused her life and affected her way of looking at things. There were some silly youtube videos which parodied the "Hitler" movie, and which were critical of these two artists, and I see how some people like that sort of humor, but it's not really to my taste. There's too much rampant jealousy in them. And anyway, why not do something more constructive with those feelings, if you have an encounter with Sister Jealousy?
These days (and maybe it will change?) lomography seems like a cute idea if you have the money for it. Once I would have. Not at this time. Unless the universe dumps some films and camera into my lap. It's one of those still-too-expensive-to-do "inexpensive" things (compared to what? Buying jewelry for fun?) It's weird and rather sad to feel that at one point, it was easier or more accessible to do that kind of stuff. At the free DJing workshop, I heard another person talk about how as soon as his parents got a piano when he was a kid, he was banging away on it and making up songs. That was not me. I did bang away on it a little, but...Mixing music seems, how does the sampling of music go over these days in this world? How do the ones with less make music...
There's two little boys learning a new language in this country. They also help a woman in a wheelchair. She's not their grandmother, but she employs their mother as her full-time caregiver. It's interesting to consider how many different ways people live in this world.

Thursday, July 07, 2011


Silkscreen this...
"I must quit marrying men who feel inferior to me. Somewhere there must be a man who could be my husband and not feel inferior. I need a superior inferior man."
--Hedy Lamarr

giid sibg

So that's good song but typed it too fast. Whatever.
Mary orginal 1992 B side
Can I Have A Horse-Girl Life? You know. Like my parents bought me a horse and I rode it (I think another thing I liked about The Hero of Ticonderoga is how it had one of those horse-girls in it) and now...I'm rich!
Just Like That.

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

le book, just another of many

I got kinda into this kids book: The Hero of Ticonderoga.
I wasn't quite sure if a public school classroom of kids could ever get THAT into a report, but it's been a while since I was that age, so maybe, and it's also set in the 60s. I wasn't super thrilled with the ending, but, I found myself escaping into it. It had some interesting themes. Social class. Second languages. Mean teachers. Gender issues. Girls dealing with Heros. Poutine. (I'm not sure if I've ever tried it.)


So what's cool is, after going to a free workshop on DJing, I can listen to some music a bit better and hear stuff, sort it out, and know more about some processes. A dream came in the morning, and it was rather a push towards endeavors more artistic. A person floats and looks at buildings, but where is the formal knowledge of architecture in the memory banks? There was a funny I love NY sculpture, layered of hearts, that childhood state. And photography through a cell phone camera but wishing for a better one. And venturing up stairs, and a room which could be a dangerous place or contain a suspicious character was somewhere back there. But just go up. The Garden is still nice. The Garden as a concept seems like a Victorian maid girl going out to sniff a flower at night, before the young man who "ruined" her, or something...Why do those old thought forms hang around? Weird how a 21st century person could be affected. And there's parks. And the others who lived on the land that's been made into parks. And Dante. And so many people's thoughts on Dante, and other folks... Bette Davis Eyes, Betty Davis, Bette Davis.

Singers sings

Today I have to admit, I found myself, well, perhaps, almost cackling? When I read about Ms. Perry's parents traumatized reaction to her "I Kissed A Girl," song. (Although the depiction of the father as a "reformed acid-dropping hippie" kinda makes his shock seem a little disingenuous.) Initially I wasn't too fond of it, just because it seemed like she was probably just singing it because some music industry types were like "girls kissing girls is HOT." (Eyes roll.) Yeah, way to go. On the other hand, singing stuff to shock your overly religious and closed minded parents somehow makes it seem kinda better...This knowledge is thanks to these stories about Bad Dads and Rad Dads. It does seem like Ms. Amos had some pretty good parents. I mean it's kinda a killer combination. You rebel against their ideology but overall they support and encourage your talent. Perfect. You know, you'd like to think that every really talented person would make it even if their parents didn't support them, and it can happen, but honestly, I don't think it always works that way...Although I knew that Julian Lennon's Too Late For Goodbyes is basically about his dad, I didn't know John Lennon had written a song to his own dad...I'll Be Back. I like that one very much.

Monday, July 04, 2011


It's anniversaryish. It's July 4 but I remembered today that it's also almost similar to the time when I was feeling so weird a year ago, and death was involved. A person I really didn't know all that well died. But see, he FB friended me, and remembered me, and we saw one another's faces a lot at one point in our lives (though I did not really circulate in his social circle) and he wanted to be a writer, and I learned more about it after he was gone, and it was a shock. Those are moments when you pick a song (or it picks you, like because I'd checked out a CD from the library and Bebel Gilberto's Winter remix was on it) and you look at gardens differently, with mingled appreciation and a little extra heaviness, and I guess, it changes your life, because it's going to be there a year later, and it feels like an anniversary.
Also a few things from a year ago...
Walk to Dublin - Tori Amos
That mystery series about the Missouri woman who works at a historical society, petsitting and getting weirdly lonely and driving out and seeing a man who probably died at the steps of a bank and coming back to the house and watching the title of the movie "I Am Love" flash across the screen and feeling like it was a message, really cold A/C in an old Arlington apt bldg that sat over the city's Republican headquarters, and sometimes the wind whistled eerily down vents running alongside long hallways and...
A Beagle dog, beagle dog, beagle dog.

Sunday, July 03, 2011

Mmm, hope

Hope there's some Night of Hunters shows in the US that come by me since I never went (or tried that hard to, because of various reasons/things that had to be done) before but I really, really hope I can go to a show...
Cool, too--found a reading by Fulton, who really has a lovely voice...