Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Cosas...a freewrite

The word is Spanish. Brought by them. In their Biblias. It's not English. Not cosset. Or closet. Or coax. Cosas. Affect. Una Vida. Que Cosas? Songs. Sad things. Tragedies. Painful things. Happy things. Ch ch ch ch ch ch ch...a sound to make with the mouth. Maybe if you are a varon man in sudamerica you should make that sound or else kissing sounds at a stranger, a crying gringa girl, or even more often at your very own countrywomen. A woman might also make a joke about una americana como...white frog soup! What? Sapo. A slang term for girls's private parts. A funny joke to make when borracha, no? Um. So much confusion yes in the various countries of the world. Abortions? Are they legal in this country? Rapes? What is done with the kits if they are even supplied? And genitals are to mutilate? Why are these things so important? And yet so not important to the Real People who have the other type of private parts? And RULE the WORLD so it appears but in fact...there is a question that they actually do that...and if so if they do it very well, at all? Hmmm. Hmmm? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. MMMMMMMMMMMMMM. mmmmmmmm. m. M. M. M. M. m m You know it's good when people make that mmm sound in their mouths...So. What a chore. Chore? Is it a Chorus? Kore?
Freewrite finished to the sound of...You and Whose Army?

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