Thursday, August 31, 2023

It would be supremely nice.

Couldn't someone who feels up to it please help the ailing cat in need who used to have better circumstances. Maybe it would be a nice energy shift.

Maybe the cat had owners during the pandemic when things were more affordable.

Because of everything getting so expensive, it makes me wonder if it's one of the pets who got abandoned.

That's the Big News for the Big Ones.

I looked up places and they don't want to take a cat that wasn't your pet, but what if the cat was someone else's pet? Now it wants food and pets and it needs treatment for a skin condition.

They have displayed their resources.

People who decided to do things should come save a cat here. It's friendly, and it is gray. It probably got abandoned. It needs treatment, too. My cutting onions tears are enhancing the look of this little graf.

Liked 2 Things Online 2 DAY for Different Reasons.

Dream of migrating... 

"Migration tools - BirdCast"

Portlandia - "Put A Bird On It!'

It's for some kinds of birds more than others, I guess?

Humor for rich guys who act like others' experiences are unimportant as a way to manage their own stress and anxiety levels.

What? Why do I still look at these sometimes???

That seems very tragic for those two, but what if they're actually too female to not be treated with a basic amount of respect in the workplace, or in other environments, in the next life, including by both women and men who were apparently taught that respecting basic bodily autonomy does not matter for you if you're in a certain kind of body!

"Both Dax Shepard & Conan Have Wives Who Are Too..."

Well, hey, what's this, something, huh?

"BirdCast - Bird migration forecasts in real-time"

Pretty soon, hopefully.

He can get EFFECTIVE therapy like the normal person he was born as.


"Netflix’s ‘Maid’ Adds Generational Abuse to Mother-Daughter Love Story"

Won't that seem much more strange?

""Keep it a secret,’ is often said to voices raised."

~ Fausia S. Abdul

"Survivor Stories: Muslim Women Breaking the Silence"

Since this is like, normal to do now, what do you suppose will be normal when they get to middle age and up?

"Protest outside UI fraternity after recent reported sexual assault"

Ah... Migration!

"Leaving Texas – and friends and family behind – is deeply 'bittersweet' for the father-daughter duo: there is a sense of 'abandonment' but also a recognition that the move was necessary.

'It’s not easy to completely start over but I know this is where I’m supposed to be,' said Gallegos.

For the abortion providers, it’s also a painful reminder of the growing inequity of reproductive healthcare across the US.

'It hits me hard knowing geography has played such a significant role in privilege to access to what I consider basic healthcare,' said Gallegos. 'Geography should not determine if you can have a safe or dangerous pregnancy. We are living in a devastating reality.'”

~ Mary Tuma

"Abortion providers on two years of Texas ban: ‘We’re living in a devastating reality'"

In the meantime...

How can patriarchal parents be far less dehumanizing to women and girls than what they role-modeled previously?

I suppose she'll meet better people soon, too.

“'I really don’t have words to describe the deep, deep pain I feel,' said Moayedi. 'These laws are insulting, disgusting, cruel, and absolutely pointless.'”

~ Mary Tuma

"Abortion providers on two years of Texas ban: ‘We’re living in a devastating reality'"

She'll meet better people soon!

"Dr Rubino felt like she was on a 'sinking ship.' The abortion provider and family medicine specialist was forced to turn away dozens of patients at Austin Women’s Health Center – including one who was experiencing kidney failure. At the same time, patients below the six-week mark were rushing to choose abortion care before it was too late, leaving thoughtful decision-making behind."

~ Mary Tuma

"Abortion providers on two years of Texas ban: ‘We’re living in a devastating reality'"


Greedy people, walking down the street, it's all about my house and the Patriarchy, not other humans, even though I rely on them to feed me, it's literally impossible to be forever like me...

Gotta keep yourself alive somehow.

“I had to tell people there’s nothing I can legally do for you, unless you’re on death’s doorstep,” said Rubino. 'The law forced me to be a bad doctor.'”

“'It was heartbreaking and soul-crushing,' she continued. 'I was watching a healthcare disaster play out in real time, knowing that this law not only affects our state but is causing a ripple effect in every other state. With SB 8 – and even years before the law – we saw the writing on the wall with Roe and tried to warn everyone, but I’m not sure who was listening.'”

~ Mary Tuma

"Abortion providers on two years of Texas ban: ‘We’re living in a devastating reality'"

Dear Huge, Caring, Expensive House.

How can the descendants that will live in you in the future be a lot better to the earth and to other human beings than the bigotry that got role modeled for them by the people who once lived here.


Why are you so mean is it just because you're very insecure or got trained to be mean why are you like that.

Happens more these days than it used to.

“'Having to deny patients the healthcare you are trained – and able – to give them is something you never get over. It’s not only medically unethical, it’s morally wrong,' said Rubino. 'It was traumatizing, and it still haunts me.'”

SB 8, she said, was the tipping point for abortion providers in Texas like her who have been forced to navigate onerous laws over the years that compromise the care they give, including a mandatory sonogram and 24-hour waiting period that incorporates relaying erroneous medical information, bans on insurance coverage for care, restrictions on minors’ access to abortion, and more.

In May, under the advice of attorneys and those closest to her, Rubino and her family left Texas with no plans to return. She worked at a clinic in Bristol, Virginia, where she largely served patients in banned southern states, before moving to DC in late August to help expand abortion services at a reproductive health clinic there.

Rubino still struggles with the decision to flee Texas, while also acknowledging the legal inability to continue her calling.

'There is a sense of guilt, of letting down the community I serve. Sometimes I feel like I gave up on these people,' she said."

~ Mary Tuma

"Abortion providers on two years of Texas ban: ‘We’re living in a devastating reality'"

Suffering for No Good Reason

"Senate Bill 8 wiped out almost all abortion care in the second-most populous state in the US, and served as a harbinger of what was to come over the rest of the country."

~ Mary Tuma

"Abortion providers on two years of Texas ban: ‘We’re living in a devastating reality'"

There are some who could still grow out it a lot faster

The "I got oppressed and that makes me feel entitled to unsee or even bully others" phase can't last for all of eternity, can it?

Even if their laws are less punitive than in the US, Canada has a lot of catching up to do, too.

"CBC's 'Mother. Sister. Daughter.' project found more than half of 231 calls not started — and only 2 are done"

"Advocates decry 'unacceptable' inaction on MMIWG inquiry's calls for justice following 4-year anniversary"

Only some seem to have that problem more than others

"So, what is it about being well-off makes you want to shut out certain kinds of people and also act like you do not care about the environment?" said a very adjective voice.

They are all in need.

Sexist moms who act like they doesn't care about your human rights are not more fun to hang out with than other kinds of prejudiced people.

Put a pregnancy on it!

At first I was devastated by the decimation of our daughters' human rights, but now I know what to do.

Portlandia - "Put A Bird On It!'

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Hey Cat, did YOU know ..

“When I was looking at the personal finance industry, I typically saw white men telling women, ‘the reason that you’re not wealthy is because you buy lattes every day.’ And we know that’s not true,” she says. “That’s when I really started to dig into the macroeconomic impact that the world and our financial systems have on women’s bank accounts.”

What Rogan discovered motivated her to write her debut book, The Pink Tax: Dismantling a Financial System Designed to Keep Women Broke, which came out in May. While the pink tax typically refers to the price discrepancy between men’s and women’s products (for example, women’s razors cost more than men’s), Rogan’s book delves even further into society’s economic impacts on women, from getting a car at a dealership and being quoted higher prices to being paid less and how that impacts earning potential. It’s a domino effect; when women have less money to start with, plus the pink tax, they have less disposable income, which means less money to save, invest and build wealth."

~ Janine Logan to Lora Grady

"How to be a financial feminist"

Different Life Tomorrow Too!

"If some people felt like acting like bullies because their demons were getting the better of them momentarily until eventually something else riveted their attention that's kinda natural and it's all a part of the cycle of life."

I can see the point of doing this.

"Biden Challenges Congress to Take Action on the ERA"

Pregnant at 13 because parents' upbringings interfered with making other options more available photo fashion shoot

Actually fear is the problem, not money, or having nice things, or being a religious person, right????

More to the POINT.

People were trained by Patriarchal Society to be super gross and ugly and MEAN to persons in female bodies with any kinds of health challenges, and don't I fucking know it.

Dessert making will commence NOW!

Enough reasons to make a dessert tonight.

Things that can make a life very challenging include:

Reacting to people when they are not being their best and they are triggering a wound that's inside because there's a need to learn how to handle those situations better.

People being resistant to change when they don't quite see what's going on.

People taking the way that is easier for them in the short term but creating more work for themselves in the long term (they don't believe this and they don't believe they're creating a new plan for them to come back and have empirical experiences, but what can I say, except, I have gotten a lot of indications that this is very possible for them.)

Since it's an imbalanced society, there's still a lot of stuff that people will get praised & rewarded for that's actually quite hurtful and damaging.

Those are 4. That's enough! OFF TO THE KITCHEN.

In lieu of a better camera that's good at taking moon photos

 Another wished to take a picture 🌝

And someone was howling at it!

And I Can Believe It.

"ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – Rachael Lorenzo calls it their 'auntie laugh,' a powerful chuckle that lasts long and fills any space. Aunties are prominent figures in Indigenous culture who offer comfort when one needs help.

Aunties answer the phone when no one else does.

That’s what Lorenzo, who is Mescalero Apache, Laguna and Xicana, does as founder of Indigenous Women Rising, a national fund that covers the costs of abortions – and the traditional ceremonies that follow – for Indigenous people.

Since the reversal of Roe v. Wade a year ago, demand for the organization’s services has skyrocketed. The group funded 37 abortions in 2019, 600 in 2022 and over 300 in the first six months of this year. From January to June, it’s spent more to help people than in all of 2022.

'We’re investing more money into … airfare, bus, gas, child care, elder care, after care for the individual who’s getting an abortion,' Lorenzo said. 'If there are special needs that they have, we do our best to fund that, as well.'”


About the Author: "Elyse Wild is senior editor for Native News Online and Tribal Business News. "

"Indigenous Women Navigate Abortion Access Hurdles"

Got A Health Issue In A Certain Kind of Body?

"Alabama Can Prosecute Those Who Help Women Travel...Attorney General Says"

A Tale of Two Community Members

“After it happened, I talked to my friend about it. I slowly saw the doubt in her eyes forming. ‘What you consider rape, he probably called sex. Why were you having sex during a job interview? No one gets assaulted during an interview,’ she said. It made me uncomfortable, and I started to try and stop my words from coming out as a waterfall. I ended up twisting it in some weird format I didn’t recognise myself. After she left, I threw up several times until I passed out on the bathroom floor.”


"Survivor Stories: Muslim Women Breaking the Silence"

“It got worse and worse, until I even toyed with the idea of ​​taking my own life. A new friend noticed and said something which saved my life: ‘I am not able to emotionally support you through this, but I care about you. Here is the number of the Frauennotruf (Women’s Hotline) and they will help you in every way they can. They will know what to do.’ I guess she had already realised this was about sexual assault as the line I found out later was specifically dedicated to these kinds of crimes."


Cultural Changes

"Survivor Stories: Muslim Women Breaking the Silence"

What if the Mosavis & Movsesians of the future could share some enlightening thoughts about these kinds of stories?

It would be nice if some people weren't trained to put the health of women and girls last.

That hierarchical belief system is not something they were born with, but it got ingrained in them in their formative years, and they don't seem to want to investigate it or question their own reflexes, and I feel allergic or even sometimes sickened when it feels like their addictions to those habits get to a certain poisonous level of stubborn refusal to change.

Uh, four were "close-lipped" but three were not.

"Hospitals close-lipped on post-rape abortion policies"

"Three — all religiously affiliated — said they do not perform abortions in cases of rape. Two did not respond to requests for comment and two declined to comment."


Maybe there should be some 12 Step Programs for "How to Stop Being Needlessly Cruel to Others"

"South Carolina high court will not reconsider abortion ban"

Is that her?

"I just love taking away our daughters' human rights more than they love advocating for their children's human rights because I want to please The Lord."

That's not her.

"I hate talking about healthcare for other work men, but I love buying shoes for me."

What music, what food, what celebrity

Someone's been thoughtful.

"Barrett Arranged for 'Hamilton' Songs at Jackson's Welcome Party"

Come Back, Foot!

"I'll start with her foot. A couch swallows it in the final moments of episode seven"

~ Jonathan Doucette

"Too Numb To Act: Cultural Dissociation in Netflix's 'Maid'"

"Indirect Sources Rule"

Something to think about!

"Watch Fighting for Air | Earth Focus Season 4 | PBS"

(Also mentioned 3/4 of the way in to the documentary.)

What Is A Small Reward? A Big House Might Be.

If you were encouraged to be dehumanizing towards others because of who you live with, are you just going along with their bullying and oppressing yourself in the process for very small rewards in the long term?

It Seems That Your Needy Abusive Patriarchal Cult Members Are Not The UN

"Children’s voices must be heard on climate crisis, says UN rights body"

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

3 Ingredients

"2 Ingredient No Bake Lemon Cloud Cake"


Just a little bit of "Tyler, the Movie Maniac: BRIDGE TO TERABITHIA (1985) vs Disney's Bridge..."


Remembering what it was like to read a recipe book from the 1970s about how to make various pots of fondue before you could drink alcohol and before the internet was everywhere.

If it were a very different summer...

I might read a gossipy library book by the pool or at the beach. 

Bad Summer People by Emma Rosenblum | Goodreads

But it's seemingly harder to do that sort of thing these days?

What if I try to do that anyhow.

Calamity C enters a Twelve Step Program.

Especially catered egg timer just went off.

Remember Christine de Pizza. Ha ha.

Christine de Pizan. And her City of Ladies. Elisabetta Sirani and her worship of women artists. Workshop, I meant to say. Is it actually possible that maybe on some levels I have still been avoiding some of the obvious components about the Beatrice D'Este story which the universe made me feel connected with because the problems in other centuries are overlapping with some of the situations we face today?

In the middle of an episode

If a man walks through a warehouse crying, it is because...

Watch Fighting for Air | Earth Focus Season 4 | PBS

Grounding Techniques 4 FREE

I am seeing it could be good to practice them more often, hmmm.

"15 Grounding Techniques For Anxiety, Taught By Therapists"

That's what was said in 2022.

"The cheapest golf courses in the United States sell in the low seven figures, while others can climb to a price tag of over $200 million."

~ Jack Shaw

I thought of another thing while eating a salad

"Conan O'Brien Needs To Buy At Least One Ailing Golf Course So It Can Be Turned Into A Nature Preserve"

"Conan Regrets Asking..."

Maybe those parents can stop whatever they're doing in that clip which I am not watching since I have food to digest atm and then they can go READ Bridge to Terebithia & get in touch with their feelings?

Coachella Coachella Coachella Coachella

An Adoption Just Happened! I am sure there's more pets available.

"24Petconnect: Lost, Found, and Adoptable Animals"


"Coachella Valley Animal Services Pleads for Help "

Cost of renting or otherwise living where that awesome musical festival happens

"As Hilary bore down on one Coachella Valley community, neighbors got to work:

When a deluge of mud and rain from Tropical Storm Hilary hit a neighborhood in Cathedral City, Calif., neighbors scrambled, pulling people from debris flows and shoveling dirt"

"Houses For Rent in Coachella, CA - 4 Homes",CA/SINGLE-FAMILY_HOME_type/

Actually it's kind of a lot.

Pets, pets, pets!!!

"Coachella Valley Animal Campus hosts pop-up pet adoption after flooding closes shelter"

For those who were disappointed by the effects of the storm where they lived

"Storm Hilary: Front loader scoops up flood victims in Coachella Valley"

Are these folks realizing it in this life or the next one?

"I am so glad the Grandparents know that someone like you is actually a real human being and that they're also gonna start acting like they know it even though the Patriarchal Ones tried really hard to stop that from happening because"

I would like my infected left tonsil to heal ASAP.

I think that would be very cool.

"I've Never Wanted To Die More"

"My baby loves me

I'm so happy

Happy makes me

A modern girl

Took my money

And bought a TV

TV brings me closer to the world"

"Sleater-Kinney, Modern Girl (live), Fox Theater..."

"Carrie Brownstein talks to the audience between songs"

I can see that.

"Julia Roberts says she 'had no business' being in 'Pretty Woman'"

'"And while she seemingly doesn't think of herself as being one for gritty dramas, Roberts is also not sentimental about being known as 'America's Sweetheart.'"

"'I am very unemotional about stuff like that,' she said. 'I don't feel that I have to live up to something. But I've never been a person that attracted musician energy, where people see a musician in the grocery store, and you go, 'Oh, my God.' I get this kind of energy like, 'You cut your hair. It still looks cute.'"

~ Randee Dawn

Bueno, it's another of many Taco Tuesdays...

"There's a labor shortage in the U.S. Why is it so hard for migrants to legally work?"

"We had to dehumanize you, so you'd know what it'$ like!"

 Oh is that right?

Explain Things

"The Kinds of Women and Girls my Friends Act like are the Most Legitimately Human Ones"

O the Humanity

"They felt that they had to go along with X treating you badly because of their own needs."

Back to the Coachella Valley...

"I saw awful farmworker conditions in the '70s. Little has changed"

But for what reasons?

Scary people in an exclusionary industry are still making excuses for super sketchy sexist behaviors when they're executed by wealthy & famous individuals. 

I hesitate to say "powerful" because they're full of scared needs to fit in and get validated and paste smiles on their faces, and is that really powerful? Well, not really, in a certain sense of the word.

Monday, August 28, 2023

Slip-sliding Graceland🎵

Paul Simon - "Slip Slidin' Away (Official Audio)"

Paul Simon - "Graceland (Official Audio)"

Wow, this is quite an interesting comment!

"But I hope he watches the films. They are definitely an education service for men in how to behave with women.""

~ Tosca Musk quoted by Jeannine Mancini

And I had just said, "It's not like we go to the opera," when discussing places where rent might be more affordable...

Now I want to see this one!

‘"Dolores,’ an operatic work-in-progress,
illuminates the history of California farmworkers"

The Lizards of Poetry

"Because truths we don’t suspect have a hard time

making themselves felt, as when thirteen species

of whiptail lizards composed entirely of females

stay undiscovered due to bias

against such things existing,

we have to meet the universe halfway.

Nothing will unfold for us unless we move toward 


looks to us like nothing: faith is a cascade."

~ Alice Fulton

"Cascade Experiment"

Music & climate change & farmworkers & lizards

Thinking more about "The Lizard that Changed the Future of Coachella Valley"

Because of 

"What Lizards Tell Us About a Warming Planet with Dr. Cameron Barrows"

Who can care? People of all ages can!

Because you're probably coming back, you know.


"In fact, every three days, a child employee dies while working in agriculture.”

~ Raul Ruiz, Congressman

But I'll go purchase a dessert for my insulin-resistant PCOS body soon anyway

I think the staggering number of parents and other people who act like they are still too immature to acknowledge that abusive & exploitative circumstances are being foisted on some children is shocking, and they really are not treating themselves or the other scared adults they usually hang out with very well, either.

I truly forget the actors when I watch Nina & Lance

Portlandia- "Pullout king - full skit"


"She’s been an opera buff all her life, she said, beginning with 'Porgy and Bess' and then moving on to such favorites as 'La Bohème' and 'Carmen,' which she just saw at Santa Fe Opera.

In the mid-1980s, when she was in Washington, D.C., working on immigration legislation, she frequently took the train to New York to attend performances at the Metropolitan Opera — sometimes two in a day — thanks to a nephew who worked for the company and had access to a box.

The showcase was the first time she’d heard any of Benavides’ opera, though, and he suspected it was the first time it had fully registered on her where its focus lay.

'From the first time I told her about the idea, her response has always been, ‘Oh, that’s great that you want to make an opera about Bobby Kennedy.’ I told her over and over again, it’s not about Bobby. It’s literally called ‘Dolores’!”

~ Joshua Kosman

"Dolores,’ an operatic work-in-progress, illuminates the history of California farmworkers"

"SO Tired of Being Prejudiced & Getting Rewarded For Dehumanizing People"

Showing It In Interesting Ways, Too.

Sometimes Children Feed Them.

Industry Has Been Catering To Some Unwell People Much More When It Could Have Been Considering Others.

The Addicted Ones Have Their Coping Mechanisms

Who Has Been Feeding Their Lifestyles?

Monday: Imagine If All The People

who got pulled into The Orbit of the Needlessly Controlling Dudes stopped acting like abusing & denigrating others felt like a fun thing for them to do.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

That's a good thing, anyway.

 I can learn more.

It could be so interesting...

And if only you were more honest and

if only you were more honest and 

if only you were more honest...

"You Only Live Once" they say

(In a particular body.)

Help the Households

"Representative Adam Schiff visits Half Moon Bay to"

Three signs mentioned; ALL THREE HAVE HAPPENED

"What does Toxic Positivity look like? 🤔 Here are some signs..."

$0 happened.

"The Cause and Effect of Being Owned, Controlled and Manipulated" | Dear Hollywood Episode 3

Wage Gaps & Works in Progress


"How Hollywood Endangers Young Actors in Intimate Scenes" ~ Jessica Steinrock

I am going to watch these three episodes by an actress named Alyson Stoner very soon

"The Cause and Effect of Being Owned, Controlled and Manipulated" | Dear Hollywood Episode 3

"A Child’s Body: Open Access"| Dear Hollywood Episode 2

"Why Child Stars are Set Up To Fail" | Dear Hollywood Episode 1

"She thinks she's $0."

"Burcu Gölgedar as Zefir"

"Ece Yüksel as Gülten"


Languages on the phone / in film!

"I'm sorry I don't understand." / "I like how this movie doesn't bother with subtitles when they're speaking in another language."


Before and After Midnight

"Three Thousand Years of Longing" - Rotten Tomatoes

In the Late Afternoon

I sat outside and saw a girl of about nine come out to show her kitten, with black fur and a pink collar, the pond, or to dangle it over the water. Just when I started to get upset by the kitten squalling, she turned and went back inside with her pet and shut the sliding glass door.

In the Later Part of the Morning or Earlier in the Afternoon

A roomful of people began laughing when a workshop coordinator stated: "We are not rich. That is why we are here."

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Significant Information!

"There is also plenty of evidence that the public supports building stronger protections for the food and farm workforce. In recent polling commissioned by UCS, overwhelming majorities across the country want a food and farm bill that protects workers. This support crosses party lines, race and gender, level of education, and rural, suburban, and urban communities."

~ Omanjana Goswami

"The Food and Farm Bill Can Do a Lot for Workers"

Going to eat some food pretty soon.

"Farmworkers contribute back-breaking labor to put food on our plates while being exposed to numerous health hazards like heat,  toxic pesticide exposure, and food insecurity. Despite the growing risks faced by farmworkers, research on farmworker health is seriously underfunded. A recent analysis by the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) found that federal agencies focused on agriculture and health invested an average of only $16.2 million dollars per year in farmworker health research projects between fiscal years 2019 and 2022. For comparison, the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) distributed $1.8 billion for research and education in 2022 alone."

~ Omanjana Goswami

"The Food and Farm Bill Can Do a Lot for Workers"

Weather's Fine Here

"This 'Danger Season' (the months of May through October, when the risk posed by extreme weather is highest) has been characterized by record-breaking stretches of extreme heat overlapping with torrential rain and floods. Laboring outdoors on the front lines of the climate crisis, farmworkers face disproportionate impacts from extreme weather"

~ Omanjana Goswami

"The Food and Farm Bill Can Do a Lot for Workers"

"Rehabilitating Chauvinistic Masochists so They Learn to Treat Themselves and Girls & Women Well" is not on any streaming platforms, yet.

Meanwhile, "How to stay away from toxic environments, abusive adults, and the women and men who are constantly making excuses for the abusive ones' addictions in exchange for getting some kinds of materialistic rewards for themselves" is another IRL experience you can have for FREE.

Friday, August 25, 2023

Wow, sometimes this life can be a musical one.

Blonde Redhead - "Snowman (Official Audio)"

I saw an upside down book on display outside.

"How to Be a Bawse: A Guide to Conquering Life"

This title is even more interesting!

"Be a Triangle: How I Went from Being Lost to...'

Radiohead - "Everything in its right place"

In the comments, it looks like that song is now old enough to make someone think of their mom who is gone, because she played it often. The Neverending Passage of Time is Still Quite the Wonder.

Cake...Like. 🍰

"Northern Lad" (Tori Amos) - Alison McTavish (Ali Schelin)

Actually, it seems to me...

Grimes - "REALiTi"

She's not so good at pretending as some others...ha ha.

Making fun of everything is not new. Plus, it's a form of cruelty.

Pretending things are going okay when that's not the truth is pathological, unhealthy, and for some people, it is ADDICTIVE.

That's why toxic positivity is a shadow of real, honest, truthful positivity. 

Time to rest a body.

Cut Chemist - "The Garden"

That was very Black Beauty of her, I thought.

My cat was on the part of the bed that's below the pillow, and I felt unwell and started coughing, so I made her move so I could lie down. She made a little half circle and set herself down right on top of my feet to take her nap.

First World Problems ARE More Amusing...

"Sprinklers: Pssssssshhhhh!


"Welp. I've figured out why our dog, Luna, cries to go outside at 1AM. Every night. Because at 1AM. Every night. Our sprinkler system goes off, sending dozens of toads hopping through the dark, wet grass, and Luna wants to chase the toads. At 1AM. Every night."

You gotta need to fit in with who?

"Dude, the patriarchy messed up my life – and yours"

"They're also afraid of losing their friends."

Because that's what happens, sometimes. They still need drug buddies to validate their addictions and their choices. But their drug is not always "insert name of drug you definitely don't have a problem with."

"Everybody we were hanging out with was doing it too"

They're just too good at reminding you why so many parents made excuses for abusive priests in their culture.

I Have Pie Hopes


Napa Valley Grille’s Rose-Scented Peach Pie | KCRW

Thursday, August 24, 2023

And sew up a bean bag cold pack with a needle & thread...

"Little Mermaid Part 3: Honestly Ever After"

I guess I have to defrost a second crust

And unload the dishwasher...

"Little Mermaid Part 2: The Fairytale Twist"

I am making a pie 🥧 of peaches 🍑

What's next on His Old Soul's Journey?

"A Staffer Tries To Take Away Conan’s Pizza" | Conan O'Brien Needs A Friend

OLD SOULS JOURNEY VOICE: "So, after I got some people scurrying around with my big boss man swagger..."

Quite Caption Able!

The Little Mermaid | "Poor Unfortunate Souls"

Good one.

"I'll admit, my first thought was, 'This is some academic with way too much time on her hands. Do we really need to overthink animated movies of fairy tales?' But then I realized, actually, we do. There are lots of things we overthink in our society. I overthink everything all the time, and most of the things I overthink are not nearly as important as the narratives we tell children."

~ Malcolm Gladwell

"Little Mermaid Part 1: The Golden Contract" | Revisionist History

Almost Another September But Not Quite Yet


It felt so great to just throw away some old things today.

I used up the contents of a small bottle of lotion on my hands and arms and threw that away, too, and then I laid on my back and felt like I'd just made some real progress.

An awful experience to have to deal with

"California Farmworkers: What to Do if Your Employer Retaliates Against You "

Well, dear old humanly hearteds...

"'There is so much to be said about the ways in which he has pushed progress meaningfully, and we have benefited from that,' Farrow tells Joy Reid. 'But also he is a figure that makes it difficult to rely on him.'"

Elon Musk - "Why Do Anything?"

E. made a good impression on me at the end of the flight I took that landed in LA in 2018 because a little girl threw up and her mom brought her to the bathroom to clean her up and it meant everyone had to wait to get off the plane and he just seemed like a patient, patient person who could have sympathy for the mom tending to the little girl in that situation. And I really noticed because I was once a little kid who threw up at the end of a flight, too, and I remember feeling so embarrassed. I thought, but maybe that little girl can have nicer memories of mom tending to her in the bathroom at the back of the plane.

Appropriate for the "Actions Speak Louder Than Words" module?

"Editorial: Beverly Hills city officials say they support abortion access. Their actions say otherwise"

They can't discriminate against "those people" harvesting our food; the whole country would starve.

"US sues Elon Musk’s SpaceX for alleged hiring discrimination"

This is on my "To Do Alongside Quieter Kitchen Chores" List

"Little Mermaid Part 1: The Golden Contract | Revisionist History"

Impulsivity explains a lot.

Which impulses have you been taught are the most valid to act upon and which do you refrain from and why? Asking because of empirical experiences in regards to women and children and poverty levels in America.

Not sure why they acted like that.

Well, at least the universe didn't sit them next to a troubled car salesman (who possibly was the one who texted "Please wait!" 6 months after he said that to you, but you could not wait, but you could still offer a smile, and see the humanity) on two airplanes. Can you imagine the outcome if that had happened.

Unfortunately, the change seems to suit the times?

"Are there any specific old songs that changed your life after you discovered them?

There were several Anglo-Celtic ballads that helped me understand that many circumstances of life have changed little over the centuries. There’s a brutal song that I heard when I was a teen-ager. The chorus was [singing] “Beat your drum slowly and play the pipes lowly, / Sound your death march as you bear me along. / Into my grave, throw a handful of roses, / Say there goes the bloomin’ girl to her last home.” I believe it was originally written about a soldier who had died of venereal disease. But the lyrics were changed to be about a young girl who had died tragically from a self-abortion."

Mike Sacks & Natalie Merchant

"Natalie Merchant’s Lost American Songs"

I wonder why it felt that way.

Yesterday I looked at an apartment that was icky on the inside but the neighborhood was nice. One of the dads even told his daughter she'd have to be scared anytime she used the laundry room. The woman from the property management company, who I strongly doubt would ever live in it herself, was showing it to a lot of people and when she asked if I wanted to take an application I said yes, and then the guy behind me took one as well, and I felt like I was accidentally lowering the standard of living for him and his son.

She's in a video! How cool.

"Ukraine: The ‘abortion fairy’ helping refugees"

One of these water pieces looks prettier

"A veces trabajamos muy bien juntos"

Classic Sesame Street - "Agua"


"By contrast, the Los Angeles Aqueduct, the genius project of William Mulholland, brings water to Los Angeles from Mono and the Owens Valley by gravity alone. In fact, it generates a bit of power as it flows south. That’s the opposite of spending energy to heave water over mountains from the Bay Delta or the Colorado.

So, financially, it does not make sense for DWP to cut off Mono Lake supplies. And the environmental costs would be mixed: It might shore up bird habitat that is not presently jeopardized, but it would do so at the expense of contributing to climate change.

I ran all of this by Jeff Kightlinger, former general manager of the Metropolitan Water District and one of California’s most highly regarded water experts. Kightlinger doesn’t have a dog in this fight. If anything, a decision by the DWP to abandon its rights to Mono Lake water would help Kightlinger’s former agency, since DWP might be forced to buy more water from Southern California’s giant importer.

Nevertheless, Kightlinger sympathized with the DWP on this one. 

Yes, he said, there are issues related to birds, but those mostly seem under control – no land bridges are endangering the nesting areas. And yes, there are gains to made in conservation, but Kightlinger agreed with Adams that it’s hard to see why the DWP would give up a clean water source in the eastern Sierra, where it gets water essentially for free, in return for spending more money and using more energy to buy it from Metropolitan.

'All of these resource decisions involve trade-offs,' he said. 'I’m not hearing the compelling argument in this case.'”

~Jim Newton


"Heck yeah!"

is on the verge

"FRINGERS! Ya gotta see Sara’s show"

She's bantering between songs...

Natalie Merchant - "Texas" & "A Man You Don't Meet Every Day"

The Pogues – "I’m a Man You Don’t Meet Every Day"

Natalie Merchant – "Texas"

Spoiled, insensitive, uncaring brats? But but but...

"But it's not just money."

~ Jim Newton 

"How ending Mono Lake water diversions to L.A. harms..."

"Flooded, Muddy Fields" - Welcome to Coachella

"Water and mud have clogged some of the fields where a few days before, workers were planting crops like chiles, artichoke and eggplant, Contreras said. While the area’s grape season is over, many workers remained in the area for other crops, starting before dawn to avoid the worst of the heat."

~ Leslie Berestein Rojas

"Flooded, Muddy Fields Leave Some Coachella Valley Farmworkers Shut Out"

I hope she can afford therapy

"Sandra Slack Glover was 'naive' to support Amy Coney Barrett"

Really, who can stay in a misogynistic cult forever?

"Head of school linked to Amy Coney Barrett’s faith group abruptly resigns"

I suppose Amy Coney Barrett has known true love many times

Perhaps you could reach out to her and connect over your common shared experiences?

American moms who acted like the Amy Coney Barretts of society

Were way more into hating Hilary than they they were into supporting any other candidate. Who taught them to do that?

After Some Very Difficult Experiences...

"She named the Telegram helpline 'Martynka' after her niece – and began answering queries seeking help with translations, securing the right to stay in Poland or finding mental health support.

'Martynka is your friend in Poland – if you don’t have anyone here, Martynka always has your back,' Podorozhnya said."

"Ukrainian Abortion Fairy"

Questions have "Quest" inside of them

Do you think it wise to keep hanging out with an untrustworthy person who acts like bigotry is still a strong and cruel influence on their life choices. Is that actually good for your health? What if this person is also a parent who is able to "fit in" with an unwell Patriarchal Society, which is why dehumanizing you and your life experiences comes so easily to this person?

The Body is Such a Beautiful Barometer in Times of Terrorism

That mom who clearly got raised to be denigrating to girls and women just to serve an Unwell Patriarchal Society wouldn't have needed to discriminate against you so much if her unhealed wounds weren't directly impacting her needs to continue to uphold Punitive Patriarchal Standards.

Lights, Camera, Action!

Parents with ethical standards who are starting to be a lot more decent to homeless guys can slowly work their way up to acting like human rights for girls and women matter, too.

You can make these experiences into a gift!

Alright, I'll probably be SO glad that I discovered that some unhealthy parents were more disturbingly prejudiced than I had previously considered. SOME DAY.

I suspect his wife is a mother with unhealed trauma, too.

"Gunn has stated that he believes that a 12-year-old girl who was molested by a family member should be forced to carry her pregnancy to term, saying that it is his "personal belief"[2] that child rape victims should be forced to carry their rapists's babies as he personally opposes abortion access in all cases.[3]"

"Gunn's sister and parents were killed in a motor vehicle accident caused by a drunk driver.[4] Gunn met his wife, Lisa (née Watkins), while he attended Baylor. The couple has four children. Gunn serves as an elder in his church.[4]"

Before a birth or after a birth

Sometimes people will still be operating under the influence of bigotry, and you will see they do so more when it makes them feel "safe," even if it means making their world more constricted, and even if it means dehumanizing other people.


"Ukrainian ‘abortion fairy’ helps female refugees"

She sounds like the opposite of a bigoted mother with internalized misogyny issues.

Gosh, parents can be dehumanizing. Maybe it's not necessary to degrade others?

Will this one ever believe that?

"Eeeevery thing abt how u perceive politics and history changes once u have sons

Sometimes I worry that a lot of societies ills are cuz u don't rly understand the human experience unless u have kids - there's a thing that unifies everyone and were slowly but steadily abandoning it"

She replied to this mother of teenage sons:

"Having teenage sons changes the way I think about the last 100 years of American foreign policy in such a profound, stark way that I can't name a single cause I'd be willing to sacrifice a single drop of their blood for, sorry.  I can't believe what our gov made other people's teenagers to do. It fills me with existential horror and keeps me awake at night."

The mother of teenage sons then pivots into dehumanizing some other mother's son:

"Ken Burns is a horrible shitlib but his Vietnam documentary is a must-see."

but whatever, I guess? 

Wait until they start having more empathy for what daughters in wars go through.

I suppose they could just be slow learners, reincarnations of the people who were prejudiced against other kinds of people in the last century.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Anyways, "the indigent" are breaking down on the sidewalks for you, so maybe you should thank them.

"Dr. Drew Says That Narcissism Is All About Trauma"

Phillip Gunn, born in '63, Father of Four!

"Gunn has stated that he believes that a 12-year-old girl who was molested by a family member should be forced to carry her pregnancy to term, saying that it is his 'personal belief'[2] that child rape victims should be forced to carry their rapists's babies as he personally opposes abortion access in all cases.[3]"

"13-Year-Old Rape Victim from Clarksdale Gives Birth"

Are any of these men dads or fans?

"South Carolina’s All-Male Supreme Court Upholds..."

"13-Year-Old Rape Victim from Clarksdale Gives Birth"

Oh God...Oh good, it's a different place.

The Monkees - "Last Train To Clarksville 1966"

We had more abortion rights when these old episodes aired!

"Pee-wee Herman on The Dating Game"

"He was a convicted rapist when he did the dating game" ~ Carrie Preston 

"Contestant on Dating Game Show Turned Out to be..."

Your great great grand descendants can get the ERA passed, I suppose?

"I could like you, but I think it's bad, so now I gotta torment you and oppress you and probably kill you eventually. Whew! Good thing I got lots O' cult followers who are also into that sort of thing."

Maybe they've just had crushes on the people they're wanting to oppress.

Boy, that would explain the MASOCHISM.

Well, that's gonna change!!!!

"Violence against Indigenous people a product of culture that devalues Native women, expert says"

"Tomorrow you can afford to buy a different perfume"

 Eau d'PTSD from hostile workplaces & de$pair 

Guess what else might help?

"Organization helps provide expensive school supplies for children of farmworkers"

4 Humanity's Sake!

Dear precious oppressors, I guess if the descendants like the big old growing homeless population better, that could still be a good thing.

He could help a sad, tired homeless guy.

I saw an old guy standing on the corner 

Duncan Sheik - "Barely Breathing (Official Video)"

putting his head on all his stuff piled high on his shopping cart.

Kate Bush - "Running Up That Hill - Official Music Video"

He could do that.

Why not ask yourself now

Why do you still hang out with a lot of people who act entitled to disregard what's happening to our bodily autonomy & human rights?

Really messed up.

I don't see how choosing to indulge in needless immature cruelty is getting you anything good for yourself, so are you just bullying others as a way of validating your life choices? 

Try to avoid the ones with the "We'd collaborate with Nazis, too, if it was WWII & there was something in it for us" vibes.

"Raised to dehumanize humans who are 'different from me' mentality"

Some people are terribly into demonstrating that they allowed such messages to get very deep into their psyches. It would be more interesting if they got a lot better at dissecting how & why those messages got there.

Patriarchal Cults are worse to most women and girls

Their Patriarchal Members want to distract you from that by holding up the select few who happily joined and got some benefits from doing so.

Some men and some women, including people who are parents, cannot explain why your human rights & health is such a low priority for them.

'South Carolina's all-male Supreme Court upholds 6-week-abortion ban"

"The Body Keeps The Score," I guess.

"You're not the only one who gets physically unwell around people who got convinced that being creepy, sexist, selfish, and immature at the expense of the ones they rely on is a great way to live a life."

Thank you for writing your book, cycle breaker. I read what they published AD.

Tiger, Tiger by Margaux Fragoso | Goodreads

Yeah, I know, he wasn't always a predator. He was boy who got treated badly by women who got treated badly by men and they took it out on him before you were born.

y is the cult so slow to change god y

"AT LEAST They're Not, Like, Literally Copying the Archbishops Who Are Still Making Excuses For Sexual Predators For Their Own Short Term Personal Gains, Right?"

And Yet, Better Is Still Possible, ls It Not?

"Even though Their Vibes were So Much More 'Clarence Thomas' than they were 'Anita Hill,' of course it's a relief that they're also not so insensitive to Ukrainian girls & women getting raped by Russian soldiers that they wanna cozy up to Vladimir Putin, unlike that one guy who seemed like he could be way nicer than that when you first met him."

Could It Happen Today Already, at Any Meal?

When do the "Women & Men Who Have Acted like Abusive Rich Guys Are The Most Important Kinds of People on The Planet Because They Think Those are the Guys Who Feed Them, Apparently" get to take the next steps on their journeys to become more fully expanded versions of themselves?

Industry Insiders Might Be Able To Help You Figure It Out Soon?

When do the rich people who benefited a lot  from treating abusive guys so well also get to feel empowered enough to act like human rights matter for all the other kinds of people? 

Wow, the earnest English of the 1980s was beautiful

"A Three dollar case over a slice of pizza on The People's Court"

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Time to limit internet before bed as a form of self-care!

"Fondant Potatoes - Updated - Kelly's Clean Kitchen"

Yeah, it's great a guy paid people and spun his wedding ring around for the cameras on a television show, but has he earned a good clean living sharing a recipe for fondant potatoes recently.

Just in your free time...

Imagine who you'd become if you stopped craving praise from brainwashed people.

In Process We Trust

I rarely fly nowadays.

Ida Maria - "Bad Karma" - YouTube

The Universe couldn't have seated me next to a wine lover instead?

"Wine and the City: In the cellar with Julian Sands"

Before he perished on that mountain that's visible from the window of the study if you stand in the right place.

It's gotta pay off someday.

I think staying off of Twitter and seeing E. as a lonely car sales guy on TWO airplanes was formative as frack. Since my unfortunate chewing / stimming habit started in 2018, too.

Wine & Cats are the height of humor

Some comedians are so jealous of cat videos. I don't know why I haven't already posted a few. Jokes about a battle axe wives, on the other hand, are not, and they know it. Honestly, PTSD is more wily & humorous.

"Steve Martin & Martin Short Wrote Eulogies For Each Other"

I would love to be in a cabin in some beautiful understory of a forest that's not on fire...ha ha ha ha...

Judy Collins - "Send In The Clowns (Live)" - YouTube


Yeah, this is great, but, have you tried writing more about the affects of the sexual harassment scandals on your fragile psyche yet.

"The "I" in BIPOC: Not All Native Americans are Leftist..."

I'll look for a winey video while this lasts...

Eeeeeeeeeef only I had learned guitar or flute

I look for your mouse toy and I can't seem to find it while my guitar gently weeps so now I am dragging around the ribbon attached to the feather toy while you meow lots at meeeee...

I'll discover this! And then go back to reading about trees.

Regina Spektor - “While My Guitar Gently Weeps”

I like the wine. Not very expensive Pinot Grigio.

I think I will have a quinoa cowboy burger. For I hope some silly things that have been put out into the world are not circling around to oppress girls in Afghanistan or poor people in this country. So, what is the work that should be done?

Maybe I should just relax with a glass of wine, eh?

And read a book chapter about trees aloud to myself for further diversion. 

Eric Burdon & War - "Spill The Wine"

Yawns are good for both people and pets.

Some who are defending the old ways of doing things are definitely not doing it to help people whose rights are being trampled in our county, or in other places, so whatever is the point they are making for themselves? Besides defending an old way of life that they just got accustomed to tolerating...I suppose I really do not know.

Nevertheless, there are & have always been, human inclinations to want to grow, & to change, & to expand one's horizons...

Tragically, the pressure to conform to certain roles, and the treatment of some "types" of people as more important than "others" was just accepted as "normal" behavior (for some people in the 2020s.)

And in the piece I read, she also contemplated why some don't get sent away as often as they used to.

It can be nice when "the old norms" change for the better! Getting ready to listen to:

"Jennifer Senior Contemplates ‘The Ones We Sent Away"

Normal Conversation Normal Conversation

Wow Wow Wow Wow Wow Wow Wow 

And take away your name

It could've been One Idaho Two Idaho and that would've been potentially funnier.

"No OB-GYNs left in town: what came after Idaho’s assault..."

How I was taught to count

One Mississippi, Two Mississippi.

Bless Our Internet

"Terms of Endearment  ~ 'The supermarket'"

"Rob McElhenney: 'I was fuelled by privilege,
ignorance and testosterone'"

"F. Murray Abraham Apologizes Following 'Mythic Quest'"

"a new start - a work update and being a bit emotional" ~ The Cottage Fairy

Sometimes, in the industry, it's just that kind of night.

Why might she like me and two nice ladies better than a table of ten guys with a lot more money?

Famous people funnel technique

"Arthur Miller's youngest son, Daniel, was institutionalized. He was born with Down syndrome in 1966 and sent to Southbury Training School, in Conneticut, when he was about 4 years old. Miller never once mentioned him in his memoir Timebends, and Miller's New York Times obituary said not one word about him, naming three children, rather than four.

Erik Erikson, the storied developmental psychologist, also put his son with Down syndrome in an institution. He and his wife, Joan, told their other three children that their brother died shortly after he was born in 1944. They eventually told all three the truth, but not at the same time. Their oldest son learned first. That must have been quite a secret to keep.

Pearl S. Buck, the Nobel Prize winner for literature and author of The Good Earth, institutionalized her 9-year-old daughter Carol, likely in 1929. But Buck was different: She regularly visited her daughter, and 21 years later had the courage to write about her experience in The Child Who Never Grew."

~ Jennifer Senior

"The Ones We Sent Away"

Well come new decade

"Happy 60th Birthday Tori Amos"

The writer likes "Winter."

This song is already a teenager...

Tori Amos ~ "I'm Not Stupid"

Tori Amos - "I'm not stupid + Winter"

Tori Amos - Birthday

Monday, August 21, 2023

This piece was just stunning.

"The Ones We Sent Away" by Jennifer Senior 

It is one of the most riveting articles I have ever read in my life, and I got to read it tonight.

I read it slowly, and I would stop, wipe my eyes & process feelings, see what song was playing, then get back to reading it again.

"The Ones We Sent Away - by Jennifer Senior - Nancy Rommelmann - Make More Pie"

I guess Sherman Alexie was moved by it, too.

There they go again.

Well, does the Prince also have unknown or underknown to himself children? is a question that comes to mind for some reason.

"Martin Short Thinks Conan Looks Like A 'Freeze-Dried Prince Harry'"

After months and years of torment

You need to get better. It doesn't matter how many people make excuses for your unhealthy ways if you're charming or rich or they found a way to be "accepting" and don't want you to change. There are many who do that, but it's really irresponsible. GET BETTER. Figure it out, who or what can help you. I feel sick. I will go to sleep at least knowing I have some more clarity about this.

Well, you'll have to thank the industry for reminding me

There once was a boy who met some bigger and older women in the entertainment industry who did not treat him well.

"Tiger, Tiger by Margaux Fragoso | Goodreads"

But then he grew up into a bigger sized person, with unhealed trauma, in a certain era.

And then what happened?

I think not, but I definitely wonder what you think about, based on your actions and words.

Do kids whose labors feed you deserve less bodily autonomy than you because they live in smaller bodies?

Who knows knows what they're gonna say in the future.

Which kids deserved to also be traumatized by the "Creepy Aunts" according to certain segments of society, and why is that what the ones ingrained by Patriarchal Values were like when dealing with their untreated trauma issues!?

You should really investigate those reasons

If you seem to need validation for certain women to treat other women very badly for your own personal reasons.

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Devil only knows

"What kind of girl" That Immature Dad is gonna be the next time around...on this planet!

"Deep Insecurity Issues"

It's a real shame as an adult to see that the old ways of the patriarchal entertainment industry still want women to be really bigoted and oppressive of other women.

I really did love rediscovering this!

"Geometry of Circles - animation: Cathryn Aison / music: Philip Glass (Classic Sesame Street)"

The "Rustic Oracle" is a dandelion, a "super powerful flower"

"7R: How did you come up with the film’s title, Rustic Oracle?

Sonia Boileau: Well, there’s that. And actually “rustic oracle” was a literary, poetic term for a dandelion. There’s a metaphor with the dandelion or blowing your childhood memories to the wind and making a wish. 

There’s also a wider metaphor of the dandelion, which is a super powerful flower. It holds so much medicine. You can cure diseases with it. It’s edible. It tells time; farmers used to use it to tell time because it has different cycles during the day. It has the strongest roots; it can grow anywhere. And yet we, as a society, decided to refer to it as a bad weed that we need to get rid of. 

There’s something there in the difference between what something truly is and the value of it, versus how society perceives it. I’m not saying I’m directly comparing Indigenous women to dandelions. But there’s something in there where, when society decides to view something a certain way, no matter how powerful it is, it becomes obsolete when nobody else can see its value."

~ Sonia Boileau to Alex Heeney

Watched the film with the interesting name

"In one of the film's quietest and yet most devastating moments, we see Ivy taking down handmade posters looking for lost pets, or apartment rentals that have been taped over photos of her missing sister.

Rustic Oracle might be fiction, but there is more accuracy in this story than in any tale about the sinking of the Titanic, a depiction of WWII, or any other fiction born out of well-worn filmic catastrophes. The truth that gives birth to Rustic Oracle is indeed catastrophic, in an immediately relevant way."

"Rustic Oracle: An Indigenous story of truthful fiction - tragedy and despair filtered through a child's eyes."

By Thom Ernst

Rating: A-minus,in%20an%20immediately%20relevant%20way.

But fortunately...

"300 New Orleans priests were reported for sexual abuse"

Yes, of course.

Secret bigot brain, secret bigot brain.

It makes you think dehumanizing others is just normal

Can you call a psychiatrist?

Things Your Creepy Aunt in a Cult (or Not) Could Say To Small Children.

"My addiction to celebrity worship is where your civil rights go to die."

"Who would you like to be sexually harassed by in the not too distant future, my dear? Choose wisely!"


"Go lie in a hammock."

"Any doctor that helps you is fine."

C'mon NAP...

"I have a goal to never act like you no matter which body I get in any lifetime."

"You have a very strange talent for showing your worst side to some people."

Oops better go nap or watch the movie soon

"Why can't you be fun instead of f-ing controlling!?'

I wish the voice would stop sometimes.

Because if I say, "if you don't change, you're gonna look more racist and sexist than Grandma / Grandpa looked in a few short decades," that wouldn't sound very complimentary.

If Power Stays On

I will watch this after a computer gets fixed.

"Rustic Oracle" - Rotten Tomatoes

I wonder if crackers were better for you in the Great Depression

Dylan Hollis - "FAKE APPLE PIE (TikTok Vintage Recipe)"

Browsing Interrupted

"I'm at the hurricane, I'm at the earthquake, I'm at the combination hurricane-earthquake"

"'I actually got canceled for this' Grimes Reflects"

Das Racist - "Combination Pizza Hut And Taco Bell"

It's calmer weather outside right now.

I cannot prove I wondered if we'd have an earthquake, too. But I did, and now I just felt it. Lightly.

This was very disturbing & eerie to read.

"Lake Arrowhead store owner shot and killed over Pride Flag"

In these economic times, it was a time to consider seeking a cute place with more affordable rent. But I got scared off a nice mountain by some bad vibes, including feeling triggered by seeing a woman my age (who was probably a mom!) tell another woman "you're so gay" as a put down, which was a thing ppl did in high school, and I was thinking about that a lot. But then I had the encounter with the waitress who specifically said she liked to wait on nice ladies like myself and two others, and when a group of men came in and sat in a corner, she said they were not so nice, but then she said "just kidding," except maybe she wasn't, and I ordered the cheapest dish, but I tipped almost thirty percent, and she gave me so many well wishes, and then, the day after I left the mountain, I read that story.

"Lake Arrowhead store owner shot and killed over Pride Flag"

It's like, the woman who owned the store was alive then. And the guy who shot her was alive then. And now they are both dead. But they were both still alive when I was on that mountain, and that was an incredibly short time ago!

Some people are great at reminding me that

"TikTok Alone Is Making ‘Maid’ Rise Up Netflix’s Top 10 Charts A Year And A Half Later"

some of those newer shows exist for good reasons.

And how come rich guys give all the nice, cute stuff to other rich guys?

You know, cuter than the accidental sex tape homophobic toxic masculinity stuff.

"Kevin Hart Demonstrates His Angry Foot Shuffle" (to C.)

"Kevin Hart Sex Tape Lawsuit to Go to Trial"

“Yo if my son comes home & try’s 2 play with my daughters doll house I’m going 2 break it over his head & say n my voice ‘stop that’s gay,'" read a 2011 tweet that Hart deleted sometime on Wednesday or Thursday."

~ Michael Blackmon

It'$ A LOT.

What if M & M could have worked together for a much better world ?

On a marquee in an alternate reality: Mosavi & Movsesian

"Before #MeToo There Was Aarefah Mosavi"

"Sona Movsesian — Mt. SAC Foundation & Alumni Association"

I think there was something in that video about how Movsesian enjoyed debating people (after her boss's narcissistic rambling...)

And like, they could've explained how certain kinds of prejudices help misogynistic people treat certain kinds of people REALLY differently.

"Mt. SAC administration accused of covering up on-campus rape"

Who knows what could have happened.

"In many ways, she seemed to be the most unlikely person to speak out: as a Muslim woman and as a daughter of immigrant parents, Aarefah faced unique and intensified pressures to avoid any publicity or legal conflict. Perhaps these perceived vulnerabilities figured into the calculations of her rapist, when he was deciding whether or not he could get away with violating her. And almost certainly, the administrators of Mount San Antonio College weighed those same considerations when they decided to quash her formal complaint process, unilaterally."

"Before #MeToo There Was Aarefah Mosavi"

To think, perchance...

To hope that both people and animals are well out there in the "downgraded to just a tropical storm" weather...and the ones with indoor pets get to feel they're extra pampered today. 

Living with a cat that likes me makes me wonder why others don't get along with the humans in their households. Unless something changed recently and that relationship got better.

Oddly, all sorts of bigotry doesn't seem to phase this personality too much, but minor acts of deference make him feel...validated in a big yet value dated way?

"Conan Hates When Kids Call Him By His First Name"

SO much laughter. Like copious amounts. Like almost trauma response levels of lackghter...just kidding???

This comment is sorta depressing, though.

"@groupdeleted3079 'Sona would laugh at a dead puppy'"

At least it's a good thing that dogs can't be drug buddies.