Sunday, January 29, 2017

More red

Red raptor

That kind

"I'm not really a protest guy," he said. "But unfortunately the situation has made me a protest kind of guy."


It's a musical day...or night...

"Baker Baker" ~ T.A.

In a 1994 spider web dress...


What is it called

That thing where you think of a string of words which are supposed to help life go more smoothly...

For example, one time I took a test for a restaurant job and did not score highly. I was asked to re-take it and think of the words "good customer service" to guide me to make better choices and improve the test outcome.

Next time there's an election day and people are deciding who to vote for or whether to even vote at all, maybe some can just think "relaxing airport experience" to give them some guidance.

Words going into my head

"The smug cruelty of the DHS statement that 'yesterday, less than one percent of the more than 325,000 international air travelers who arrive every day were inconvenienced while enhanced security measures were implemented'  transcends belief as applied to actual people left in horrific limbo."

"Republican US senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham said on Sunday that President Donald Trump's order halting arrivals of refugees and others from seven Muslim-majority countries may do more to help recruit terrorists than improve US security." 


"In 2005, Donald J. Trump told Access Hollywood’s Billy Bush, “I'm automatically attracted to beautiful [women]—I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything. ... Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything."
In 2016, Donald J. Trump was elected president of the United States. In his first week in office, President Trump signed a cruelmalevolent, and plainly unconstitutional executive order that prevents refugees, migrants, and even green-card holders from seven majority-Muslim countries from entering the U.S. As a result of that order, lawful immigrants have been held at U.S. airports, in some cases without being allowed to see their lawyers."

Saturday, January 28, 2017


Make housework entertaining

These are stories...

A walk and tea

Happy about tea and I had a super good walk. Before I went on it, a guy at a library struck up a conversation with me about wanting to take me on a hike, told me I am "rad," and said it was "awesome" to meet me. Perhaps he was lonely or just very outgoing? He had very effeminate mannerisms. I was not quite up to going hiking with a stranger at the spur of the moment, but a little nature walk and it was very beneficial. I think the universe doesn't want me to be too depressed. I certainly don't, what good does that do? It is possible that I have been noticing gay men a little more when I am out...perhaps they seem more trustworthy to some women who have been feeling very cynical about male/ female imbalances in our culture...I don't know why some men and women subscribe to such extreme modes of hypermasculine behavior...Very wary of that...


The ban is really horrible. I bet my "half-dream" last night had something to do with it. I wouldn't be surprised if I have neighbors being affected by it.

I must get out and take a walk. It's very noisy outside, but hey at least someone has a job. Because that's what counts, right?

I need to find somewhere to walk.

Gooutside Gooutside Gooutside Gooutside...

I can't believe this is actually comforting me

1984 of all things.

I really hated reading that book in high school.

(Actually it's only the idea that a bunch of people realize something is seriously wrong that is slightly comforting.)

I really need to do some housecleaning tomorrow


I don't want anyone (including myself) to have a breakdown about something as silly as politics (so silly! politics! sooo sooo silly!) but I really do think that some people need to stop pretending that everything is okay right now. It is not okay. The country is being run by a delusional power-hungry individual who has conned some into thinking he's going to "make us great again," and that he is "finally a strong leader" (Many women are saying this! Who has brain-washed these women?) He is a tyrant who probably would've received medical attention if he'd been born into different circumstances. He's not like any other president that has been elected in my lifetime. I'm sad to be living in a horror novel. I hope that it will get better. PLEASE. HOW CAN WE BETTER THIS SITUATION?

Friday, January 27, 2017

Humor Happened


Don't marry a patriarchal concept

My face hurts. My tear ducts hurt. I found this. It's a certain point of view.

What happened when I started to drift off

I saw a man driving a car with a woman in it, into a dangerous territory. He had one banana in the car, just in case he got stuck somewhere and needed something to eat. I saw through a woman's eyes, looking at a photograph of a smiling man, and he was either very far away or no longer on earth. Then I "woke up."




"President Trump, you may think you are “pro-life” and preventing abortions, but that’s a lie or a delusion. In fact, you are increasing the number of abortions and of dying women."

As always

There are some who are more concerned with spiritual achievements than others...

What is?
Singing hymns?
Creative projects?

Thursday, January 26, 2017

I see


Epigenetics and more...


Also read about it in O Magazine.

And now...

"When women live enslaved by their culture, their spouse, their job...They teach their daughters that they are not enough..."

Just a little 4 a.m. internet search.

Reason to pray

I am afraid my mother's relationship is making her ill. Hours ago, I called after I got texts meant for someone else. She was light-headed and political TV blaring as usual. She had more medical tests recently. I don't think her husband is helping. My sister says they were fighting and my mother said he was wanting her to cook something. It makes me very sad. It's hard to relax when negativity from television and radio is all over that house. Why is he addicted to that stuff? They all have bad dreams.

She had a dream I wanted her to go somewhere and she went outside and got in the car.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Closer and farther

Hello Hatty




Alternative snack

Well I f'ed up my oatmeal bars and had to toss them. I should have just eaten all the filling raw. Damn. I used up all my coconut oil. Lets see, when will I have the money to buy more. I'm not very wealthy this month, having worked very little over the holidays. I have cheap wine. There we go. Alternative snack.
Also if I were actually hungry I could eat the crockpot turkey chili I made yesterday.

This is creative

It's even more important to be beautiful now than ever before...

Make Your Face Great Again Makeup Tutorial

It's really weird

Some peoples' version of "patriotic"...

seems to exclude...

Is this bubble like sticking your fingers in your ears and going "la la la, suffering and xenophobia and civil liberties being trampled on, I can't hear you..."

The Filling is SO DELICIOUS I was eating it with a fork. Oh my god, it is really good. I'm gonna have to fill half of the bars with leftover holiday jam. Those will be the not-so-healthy ones. Ha.

What a sad time for Republicans

What a crappy example of leadership to settle for.


"The purpose of the Trump administration’s lies is not necessarily to deceive, but to separate the believers from the disbelievers—for the purpose of rewarding the former and punishing the latter."


100 years ago, Americans talked about Catholics the way they talk about Muslims today


I remember the cover of my baptism program was Deuteronomy 10:19.

"Love the sojourner, therefore, for you were sojourners in the land of Egypt."

There are parks I haven't seen yet

Reminder to visit this one. Actually I should just make it a life mission to see them ALL.

Happy Pastry Day


Grateful for NutriBullet!


Yes, baking therapy.

I heard a young man talking about going to the Women's March yesterday.

There is hope in the youth!

Don't ever think that just because old-fashioned society taught you how to dominate industries and boardrooms and fill bank accounts that you are entitled to treat people like trash. 

Oh that again



If you walk at night

You might find a totem?

Monday, January 23, 2017

Auuugh!! He ah

peered (in a place which reminded  me of Washington state?)

And then there was more...



Homely thoughts

I need to use up a spice!

I filled a hamper full of old clothes that don't fit and which I can donate and I feel good about it...

Oh my god, is this

horrifying or delectable?

(I would try it but I would anticipate many prune-haters being squeamish!)


It's Hailing.
I have a Headache.
Turn Out The Light.

A women's health march

Sunday, January 22, 2017

if u build it they will come

west coast

east coast


New song find, plus...




Life in a body again

Up late...Earlier there were stabbing pains but they are gone now...And sometimes I have felt something like grief swamp me, like a heavy physical sensation and time just has to pass for it to get lighter and I am allowed to believe things can get better, we are going to evolve, we can be okay, we can grow and get more balanced and become more healthy...

Friday, January 20, 2017

This show is reptilian

I will keep watching it and do some stretching.


In a moment

I don't know what to do. I am really mystified. I'm in the void. To go to a women's march tomorrow or not to go? I am not sure. I am uneasy in my body.

It was the most amazing...

...and you will never have to climb into or out of it again. Thank God...

Or maybe with better shoes and not old sneakers it would be less scary. Could that make all the difference, when hanging off the side of a wall, looking for a hand or foothold? How about longer limbs? Going with a group? It was wonderful to not fall / cheat death / survive...some people really get off on that sort of thing.

Well, it does make one grateful to be alive...and afterwards, don't you kind of forget...(no, don't forget!)

Another account...

Stay close to the rock.

Good rainy day breakfast

Delicious fresh tabbouleh
Delicious fresh tabbouleh
Delicious fresh tabbouleh
And Tea....


"Women's health cannot be just men's health plus a 'make-a-baby' add on."

I've dreamed

I dreamed a car of girls with attitudes  threw an ice cream sandwich at me (not nicely, at all) and then drove away laughing but I didn't wake up with killer monster cramps so that's an improvement!

If you are tempted today medicate stress with ice cream today, just say no...

Prayer for Pain

I woke up this a.m. with cramps that were almost unbearable...I dreamed about them and then the pain woke me up...Felt like a collection of really bad cramps from several months, all compiled together. Capacity to endure pain seems amazing after it starts getting better. Also I love you prescription painkiller and castor oil pack. Anyways. Oh god please was about the extent of it...I am grateful now.

Kitteh Vittles

This guy's cat has a problem!

The cat of the house is on a more regulated feeding schedule. This is not because she is a fat cat. This is because she is an upchucking cat. She gets about a third of a small can 2 x a day, and one or two scoops of dry food (scoop is the kind that comes out of a protein shake container.) She loves food but she can't eat too much. The regulation of portions has helped. Also sometimes try to add extra water to wet food for hydration. Also give her tuna-flavored goo or a small bit of butter on a treat to help hairballs go through her, since those can make cats get sick more. All of this has really helped. I might even try to give her a Crock-Pot diet but have not attempted that yet...

Jolly ho(s)

XX & XY arrive home from a short hike to find management has posted a notice on the door demanding January rent or vacate in 3 days (even though January rent was paid and the check cleared weeks ago...) After discussing the jittery feelings it gave, it coukd be timely talk about political stuff, oh why not.

XX: (After a bit of reading the internet and alcohol) I don't get this housewife who says she admires Predator T. for always admitting when he makes mistakes.

XY:  You mean after pussy grab comments? That's because he was forced to admit it.

XX: seriously what kind of shitty wife beater asshole men has she been around to hold him up as some model of honesty?
I think a lot of women just go along with their husbands. They go along with it to boost the breadwinners egos...It's like they brainwash themselves...Its like people were taught that it makes you a good Christian...I can remember being told to make men head of the household, follow the men's decisions, etc etc.

XY: You didn't follow that advice at all! That's why you're stuck with a guy who doesn't make enough $, living in a shitty apartment, not married...

XX & XY:   Ha ha ha!

Thursday, January 19, 2017

It's late

I don't know...can't listen to "Tiny Hands"...
Mostly finished the hat.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Girls on the street

Something very interesting happened as I walked home tonight. I saw two young women wearing knitted hats and colorful coats. It felt like they almost seemed to recognize me... One called out "Hi!" to me even though she was 10-15 feet away. It was almost like we knew each other. But we didn't. As we passed we exchanged greetings and the friendliest one (they both were, but she was the one who said "Hi," first) said, "Have a great evening!"  I said "You too!" After that I was like, arrrgh, why do I feel like I know you? I didn't say so though. Probably I will never see them again. But it was a lovely moment. And then I realized I was really attracted to their knitted hats. None of us were wearing pink hats. I wasn't even wearing a hat. But I bet they've been knitting.


Elsewhere...less peaceful...ugh...

Watch cat...

The Empire Scratches Back

Whoa, man

"Jim Brown, one of the sports world's most notable civil rights crusaders, took aim Wednesday at another legend of the movement: Rep. John Lewis."


Isn't infant president-elect a a great unifier?

What a genius. Different from all those silly women knitting pussyhats.


Complement with:

"1. Realize that boys need more, not less, care than girls."


I'm sorry the  mean patriarchy has been so hard on the emotional development, if not on the bank accounts.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Other nearby sentient beings

I think there's a neighbor who should get some medical care for the coughing. Really.

The cat of the house is not over-impressed with a laser pointer. She will move her head to watch it but that's it.

Whereas...If you pull out a string...Or a little hard candy...Or the end of a pencil...She comes to Life.

Expensive toys would be wasted on her. Good thing the laser pointer came from the dollar store.

He sang...she sings...

Earlier, I thought to myself that there's something very seductive about being in a still place (not entirely quiet...You can hear neighbors cough and cars start and outside chatter) but nevertheless it can be very still...And then maybe you just put on a little bit of '80s music...(OK, George Michael again. I watched him walking around a building at the end of Careless Whisper as the sun went down and wondered about the locale and decided to see if there was a list of music videos with sunsets...I would watch them!) But then I ended up tuning into the farewell address.


Now listening to / looking at Weyes Blood.
It's raining outside.


I didn't plan it but I ended up listening to the farewell address and knitting. I didn't know it would come to mind, but probably the best thing I did was not run away on vacation, and towards the end I also appreciated having calm company who could be even-tempered with people I had so easily disagreed with. D can be for Democracy.

It's like a message

"You will have to get much better about choosing a very calm mindset."
That's like a message my female body likes to give me on a regular basis.

Monday, January 09, 2017

Nachos and Velvet Elvis

In my mind Everything She Wants is wedded to a plate of nachos I ate on the east coast. It was playing as we ate and I was happy. They had zucchini and a certain cheese sauce on them. I admired a Velvet Elvis painting and waved at the guy in the kitchen when we left. They were just really good nachos.

Also, ha ha, doppelgangers in the left corner!
I wonder who they were...



It's just knitting...

"The real reason these dames will be wearing pussyhats to Washington is to cover the hole through which the Women’s Studies program sucked out their brains."

Maria Seda-Reeder also helped facilitate the initiative. She said the group got together to show support for women’s rights at a time when there is a lot of political uncertainty.

“This was just a way for women to kind of galvanize behind the idea of showing our solidarity and raising awareness about women’s rights and freedoms,” Seda-Reeder said.

Thompson said the movement is not just about women’s reproductive rights.

“It’s on women’s rights, period,” Thompson said. “This includes the environment, this includes childcare.

“It’s a larger message than what some people might narrow it down to.”

Question thoughts

After reading about The Invisible Veterans...

As a survivor of trauma, I know firsthand the importance of having support networks that will serve as a voice for those who are unable to access justice.

Many veterans who survived military sexual trauma were given less than honorable discharges as a result of “bad behavior” or in retaliation for reporting their assaults.

If you use a "culture of positivity" to shut down a conversation that could have potentially resulted in improved standards and more receptivity to diverse viewpoints if you had not shut it down, is that really a culture of positivity? Is it equally positive for everyone? Or is it more positive for some than it is for others?

Sunday, January 08, 2017

OH physical stuff

Please please please help me get through all the paperwork. I'm not going to do anymore today. I really look forward to getting organized. I'm tired this evening.

I feel like crossing myself, and I'm not even Catholic.

Go back to the Abbey sometime...

I want some yoga now.

Book conservation fiction!

A few days ago, I needed a book to read on the plane. I was offered People of the Book. I finished it today. I actually think the stories from the other centuries were my favorite.

Other reviews:


After a refreshing nature walk I went to Walmart (yeah, kinda a letdown) and as I eyed goldfish crackers a mom was asking her son permission to buy "the right one" of something ("Is it for boys? Look I can get this, can't I? Can I buy it if it's for boys?") How on earth do they genderize snack products???

Then I came home and found this:
"Let's get some for men. In a darker color. 'Cause men don't like ..."

That would be a tea kettle

I'm going out before the sun goes down. Organization and organization porn have their limits.

George Michale ~ Freedom

Culturally relevant


(A friend did it!)

Saturday, January 07, 2017

Old stones

Another story...

She told me about a woman who boarded a ship with husband and children. She said the woman was pregnant on the voyage. They buried children at sea. They arrived in America and the husband died. With surviving children and a new baby girl, she made her way up north and homesteaded as a single mother for many years. Eventually she remarried. The baby girl was grandfather's father's mother?

Friday, January 06, 2017


The post-travel depression has hit. It Has Hit.

Thursday, January 05, 2017

Hmmm. Dancing & Singing.

P.L. Travers and Gurdjieff's Sacred Dances


Movies at a certain time

I watched one movie over the holidays. 
I liked it...guess it's not true though...

Might be cool to see another version of that story sometime.
Maybe more feminist. Less sugar-coating of Walt.
But still. I enjoyed Saving... Wonder what P.L. Travers might have thought?
Or what the remnant of her that existed after her physical life as P.L...

She was really into this stuff apparently?

To re-visit...

when it's actually open....

Beach and Abbey

Best beer

New Year's Eve

It was a stella bar

Ramos Gin Fizz
(has egg white)
A projection of Brando yelling Stella...
(with no sound)
Orange whipple?? 
(Gin gimlet / gin sour or something in between)