Wednesday, June 27, 2007

DC excursion

Saw this film, Brats, tonight with a friend; we met in high school and found out that we'd played together on an army base when we were two.
Also, visited the Sackler and Freer Galleries, the Museum of African Art, and the Folklife Festival!


Inanna or, a cool clip about the making of Boys for Pele.


Currently reading Stones From The River by Ursula Hegi, an author from Washington state. I somewhat avoided reading her when I was younger but in the back of my mind was always planning to read her work. Here is a book excerpt. (What a strange word, I wonder what the etymology of "excerpt" is...)

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Sunday, June 03, 2007

chanson le weekend

So this weekend my highschool prom date (a girl) got married! (To her boyfriend.) The wedding was in a park on the waterfront in Old Town Alexandria, behind Olson's Bookstore. Shortly after the ceremony this song came on, and I liked it very much. But the music video of it is a little weird. Not quite evocative of that nice hot and drowsy sitting in the wedding tent feeling. The song is Across the Universe, covered by Fiona Apple. So, here's another version a girl did on youtube. All hail the sun salutation...Nothin's gonna