Friday, July 22, 2011

Aw $ you brute...bah

Around here, it seems that if you're a librarian or a teaching assistant in the schools, there's a horribly good chance that you no longer have a job. If you're teacher and you're still working then it's likely your class size has almost doubled, you got a reduction in salary, and there's a big increase in what you pay to have health insurance. Kids need extra help but where can they go to get it? Even that is a question, unless more volunteers can be found. Yesterday this person at a place where I've volunteered for the past 6 months told me that for the last job opening they had there, which I applied to, which was a part-time job, paying WAY LESS than $10/hour, they actually got well over 100 applications. Sometimes, hearing things like!

Many of my friends who are lucky enough to be working full time have had those salary reductions and health care increases and must also deal with the stress of seeing their coworkers get laid off, not because they're bad workers, but because the company is making cuts again. Who is next? That's in addition to those other little curveballs life throws at them.

While occupying my time in rather more frivolous ways instead of filling out still more applications yesterday, I found this sheep on twitter. I'm not some person who is jealous because she thinks she's sooo much better at playing piano (I know I'm not! I can't even play it!), but for some reason, as I was telling someone about the twitter sheep, I suddenly found myself in hysterics.

He looked at me, mystified, inquired as to whether or not my state was alcohol-induced (it wasn't) and then typed in "meth lab dog," to show me an example of the kind of humor that he finds to be funny. (At first I thought he was typing it to show me how I look when I get hysterical.)

I see there are people now making fun of a new artist, who is coming out, kind of under the wing of the people who are working with an artist that she (and they) admire. I don't think the girl is at all bad and I hope she does well. I like the Siamroot song, myself. However...People that are stressed are sometimes more mean, I guess. All those little factors weigh on people. (Is this why I found suddenly found myself hysterical about the twitter sheep? "Baaaa.")

Maybe the peanut gallery's not that mean, then (even though they are); they're probably stressed. Life was mean to them! Its way too tempting for them to blow off some steam about someone who looks to them like a prissy person who got some easy breaks in life. Sad perhaps. But other stuff is much sadder! Such strange times...Ay yi yi yi. And hopefully the country's credit rating won't get messed with. Off to dentist! Hope I can acquire dental insurance again in the near future, too.

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