Sunday, July 17, 2011


Sometimes it seems hard to sew together so many pieces of a life.
The life is meant to be lived, apparently.
But it oh why could it not have just stayed in the same spot with the same people? After all, some people have had that.
Probably that would have been a comfort?
But it was not so. And anyway. What if it's not even that which is troubling.
What if it's just the lack of funds to go back to anywhere?
That is so challenging.
But. What if there were funds to go, and it still didn't even help?
Although it usually does help. Moving is refreshing. It's hard to be stranded. But there it is. Sometimes that's where you might find yourself. Stranded in one place, seemingly far away from the others. And staring into your hands, which are holding so. many. pieces. Of A Life.
At such a time, what else is there to ask of such a life, but to gain more knowledge of sewing?
There was that one piece that had a song called One Grain Of Sand.
And much later on, there was Sea Song from Sea Sew.
Hopefully, the pieces will start to feel more sewn together soon.

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