Friday, March 09, 2012

Accidental Click

Huh! I can't remember what I was looking for but the accidental click was on Fiona Apple - Criminal. "She went back to mediocrity, where she came from" someone once answered, when I mused aloud, "whatever happened to Fiona Apple?" But I disagree. I don't think she was mediocre. But Oh! Fiona of the past. So skinny. I want to drink the ballerina tea when I watch it. And, if only I could've been a ballerina! Alas, when I was twelve, I found out it was too late. I'd never be able to make a proper turn out. You have to do that before you are twelve. So, maybe I could take a class sometime but I guess I shall have to pursue other things. Perhaps yoga and other types of dancing. WALKS in the WOODS, though, are free and are very very good...

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