Saturday, March 10, 2012

Fairytales & such

Hmmm. This is rather interesting. Five hundred new fairytales discovered in Germany. I think I would like to know more about that. One is called The Turnip Princess.
I was also thinking about a funny passage from a book, although it's not about fairy tales, but rather, nursery rhymes...

"'Don't tell me, Ifat, don't,' I begged, until her satisfaction was nearly brimming over. 'What!' she exclaimed cheerfully, ''Put on the pan, says greedy Nan, / Let's sup before we go'? 'She cut off their tails with a carving knife / Did you ever see such a sight in your life'?--Come on, Sara, see what you must see!'...'Don't you think that there are some things you shouldn't tell me?' I asked her once, gloomily...'If you let it fester, that's your fault,' Ifat answered in reproof. 'Tomorrow I'll tell you why Jack Sprat could eat no fat and his wife could eat no lean!' And then, leaving me to contemplate her dreadful promise, she turned round and went to sleep."
(pg. 137, Meatless Days)

And I am reminded that this is funny:
"...twice a day Dadi would leave her room and walk the long length of the corridor to my father's room. There she merely peered round the door, as though to see if he were read. (OOPS! Typo. Meant to say "real.") Each time she peered, my father would interrupt whatever adult thing he might be doing in order to enact a silent paroxysm, an elaborate facial pantomime of revulsion and affront."
(pg 7, Meatless Days)

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