Friday, March 02, 2012

Dream wedge

This is a wedge of a dream. There were picnic tables, people, cliques.
A strange girl I didn't know was saying sarcastic things about me in front of some people. It was to a girl I did know, and it was in reference to a friend me and this girl both knew.
Some other people in that group asked this girl, the one that I knew, if this bothered her that this girl was saying those things about me.
The girl I knew told them, No. It didn't. She didn't give a $#@!.
I went away from all those people.
There was a tallish man hanging around some white buildings.
For some reason it seemed like he had been there and I had been around him for several days.
"You know, you are very silent," I said to him.
He looked surprised. "I know," he said, "but feel free to say whatever you need to say."
"I'm just thrilled you can talk," I said. "Think of all the things I've been saying these last few days," I said to him.
"You did say some things," he said.
I went closer to this man. "Is your name ****?"
He said, "No, it is ________." Something that sounded like it started with an E.
"What is your last name?" I asked him.
He said another name. It also sounded like it started with an E.
"How do you spell that?"
"I don't know how to spell it in your language. But, when I talk about going to my country, in my language, it's the same word as the last name."
Then I thought I would tell him a story about me and ****, but instead, I woke up.

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