Wednesday, June 09, 2010

to get back into

The healthy diet stuff and the anti-inflammatory stuff and the breathing and the yoga and all that. ;-D There were two instances when I kind of remember someone telling me to keep doing yoga, even though that person didn't do it. One was seeing my FB friend at a highschool reunion, and he wanted to know if I liked to smoke. I said I was more into yoga. I was, at the time. I took a class that met twice a week.
The other was about a year later, when I conversed with a guy on a train who said he was in an Alicia Keys music video. He'd sort of made fun of my attire and called me "Woodstock" but we had conversation anyway. He told about about times he'd had problems controlling his anger and I said maybe if he did yoga it would help him with that. Did both these young men really tell me so? "Keep doing your yoga."
The truth is (and I clutch a clove in my teeth as I say this) it hurts my toothache and my heart to say, but there's just a part of me that feels she simply cannot spend a whole lot of time with anyone who is leading too much of an unhealthy lifestyle.
Maybe I can do some ibuprofen and orajel too.
(Watching the "Change Your Brain, Change Your Body" show on PBS.)

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