Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Hang ten

Been a little addicted to a song, listening to the version on the live CD for "To Venus and Back" which is the one I find myself listening to most lately, which is funny because for some reason I used to ignore it, more or less.
The Waitress live bridge/improv lyrics
Kind of also makes me think of Surfer Girls of Maui by Susan Orlean
(An article I've had a photocopy of since 1999.)
Oooh, but not that one. The one I have is from Utne, and was edited, I now see!
Honestly though, one of the disappointments I felt about Blue Crush, after I found out it was based on this article: the lead actress's straight blond tresses seem like such the anti-thesis of Gloria's hair.
Oh, hey, now I remember another film, Girlfight. Had to look that up.
This picture is not the one I remember advertising that film.
I went out with someone all into Brazilian jujitsu and kickboxing around the time when that came out. I think I was disappointed he was not as into seeing it as I would've liked. A little of the martial arts stuff he talked about (not that I remember much of it now) came in handy when I met the model on the train who made fun of me by calling me "Woodstock," though. He sort of thought he was tough. In my memory, I was able to subtly appear as if I knew, well, more about those topics, anyway, I feel like he got a sort of surprised look on his face. And then I also told him he should do yoga to control his anger. (Oh well, tangent!)
The Waitress...
Hmmm, a kind of really fire and brimstone version.

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