Sunday, June 13, 2010


Recently, in the last few days thereabouts (days all run together when they are not so structured) I saw someone in a car in a parking lot. I thought maybe she kind of looked like a kind flower essence entrepreneur. It probably wasn't her. But what if?
Well, holy mother, I just now read another old livejournal post by my FB friend and of all things, suddenly he was in Germany, quoting poetry, talking about Pan! That is crazy.
This is a bad time. I feel okay, then I feel like shit. It's like I'm coming off a drug, but there is no drug. There's just compounding factors of joblessness, no school, health problems, awful financial situation, and feeling like no one can or wants to understand how I feel. I almost think if I didn't have PCOS symptoms that make me terrified of anyone controlling any aspect my living situation, I would try to go to a hospital. Bleah. Maybe I can do some kind of breathing techniques. Or just listen to as much silly humorous stuff as I possibly can. Oh My GOD. Gosh.
Oddly, having to clean up dog mess, a most unpleasant task, has sort of cleared my head. The dog would not get sick if I lived with people with better sense. It can be really fucking irritating. HUUUHUUUH.

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