Sunday, June 13, 2010

S words on a Sunday

Sad and SAD. Sad is so wholly absorbed in sadness that suicidalness is not even interesting enough to seriously be a factor. Sad is only interested in eviscerating people, or chewing them up and spitting them out, but that does not mean killing them. If said person went away, what would happen to the sadness. Sad is most interested in puddly sadness, soaking it up like a sponge. Simpering simpleton persons who have almost no spine inspire sadness to proliferate. Stupidity is something sadness can feast off of but soon, sadness will prowl the premises in search of a new meal. Swearing can inspire sad sometimes. Sad Ms. Kempe of the Middle Ages was probably quite a soggy morsel. Silly, sodden, sullen, sucky, SICK.
Dental work (dis)STRESSSSes. Say someone is supremely sick of misery? So, save someone or something, St. John's Wort.

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