Thursday, October 08, 2009

The evening's dose of humor

Was to be gotten at the bookstore cafe table which actually still had a chair (why did the staff stack chairs so early? Why does the library close at 6 pm on Thursday?) I sat and read this book: I'm Down by Mishna Wolff. Aw, memories of my own 3rd and 4th grade experiences around Seattle. Peechees! "DANG" and "PSYCH!" Double Dutch. Value Village. I wonder if there will be any episodes on the playground involving kids at the tetherball pole, or picking up glass for the playground teachers. Hopefully no one will throw a chunk of concrete at their playmate's head. (That happened at a daycare I attended.) I wonder how old the author is.
I remember a day I came to school with no lunch money. Somehow I ended up talking to the principal. She smiled and explained to me that I didn't qualify for free lunch, so I would have to go without one, but suggested I ask if one of my classmates would share their lunch with me. Back to the cafeteria... I was the new kid and didn't really have any good friends yet. Glumly, I thought that maybe I could ask someone for the shredded iceburg lettuce and peanuts that the lunches came with, because no one ever ate them. (Hello, what were they thinking? Peanut allergies!) I still remember the stares I got. Then one of them pushed her plastic container at me. "Girl, you eat all the peanuts you want."
Hotel is in my head for some reason. "Exit 75, I'm still alive."

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