Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Today's voting experience

I just voted at a local elementary school. I decided to look it up online and found out it has a blog with library book wishlist. Hmmm. Maybe one day, in the not-too-distant future, some schools will actually have things like art classes in them again! (I just thought of that because a friend of mine who is working the polls today is also studying to become an art teacher, and because I heard that the public schools around my grandparents' house no longer offer art classes.) As I was waiting in line, I stood behind a girl reading a book called Tehanu and a guy reading a Spanish/English short stories text. It took less than an hour to wait. Just before I voted, I saw a friend (E, I think?) on his way out. "They've got the paper ballots working in there." "Hey, did you see Univision?" "Yeah, I talked to the lady inside. I think she thought I was hitting on her. I was just looking for a job!" Ha-ha.
Other brushes with election-related television fame: my aunt, who lives in Wasilla, was on the news because (she says) Sarah Palin CUT in line in front of her to vote, and my friend's boyfriend was shown on Jordanian TV playing guitar and singing with a McCain supporter polls worker.

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