Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Nice, positive thought

I hope this will make me feel better. I was thinking about working something into Nanowrimo. There could be a little part where a girl has a dream that ends in a really positive way. Let's say it was about about a successful magician went to this really great academy. It loved and nurtured him and gave him great insights into how to properly utilize his magical powers. Then he moved on and had a life. Sadly, after he left, Academy O So Wondrous fell into hideous disrepair and ruin, and it's attendents began to practice a series of satanic initiations involving vile evil concoctions which were poured down unsuspecting throats, thereby triggering a hideous cycle of violence, repulsion, horror, despair. Well, what if the beloved magician went back, and because of his superpowers, immediately detected all the rotten things that totally needed to be cleaned up there, and then waved his magic wand, and everything was all wonderful and restored again! Wouldn't that be great. I wonder if anything like this was ever on the Smurfs?

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