Sunday, November 16, 2008

O, random change of mood and attitude

Thought processes: "I had a strange dream last night that one of my friends went sky-diving and then I went after her and our other friend was laughing..." Later: "How nice of you to successfully work through some of those stickier, soul-trying moments..." Later: "How much easier is it to just be chilled out and laid back, about, like, everything? O, can you have taken so long to occur? Are you permanent?" Sometimes I feel that it can be a great challenge to feel content or relaxed in this area. Even if something bad happened to you in another part of the country, all you'd need to do would be to move here. Then the memory of all the rotten parts of the bad moment will become that much more finely honed. Sometimes I am cynical about this supposed center of power. But it could pass. I suppose there is some reason I keep ending up in this part of the world. (And, floating around in there somewhere, imagine where one could apply the following statement: "You are too intelligent to engage in that kind of behavior.")

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