Sunday, February 10, 2013

G. is weird

Last night I dreamed I was walking up a creek or riverbed with a man who was like my husband and he was a black preacher. We climbed up a little cliff. He talked about jumping in the water. I pointed out that he didn't know how deep that water was and it might not be a good idea. He agreed, but did it anyway. He survived. Then I thought to jump into the water too, but instead, I was just going to climb back down and sedately walk into the river. But some force threw me off and I flew far away from where he'd landed. I landed in the water and survived. End of dream, but woke up with cramps and the need for a heating pad and castor oil pack. Later on, I skipped going to a baby shower because b.f. had to work and did other things. Then I ate some frozen yogurt. Shortly thereafter, terrible pains came over me. Whether it was indigestion combined with cramps or what, it felt a bit like having to push a bowling ball that didn't actually exist out of my stomach. I'm not in a real hurry to experience that again if I don't have to...when I did go through it, this is what was for me: 1) Steven Halpern on the mp3 player. 2) Castor oil pack. 3) Rescue Remedy. That's it. No movies, no TV shows. JUST STEVEN HALPERN ON THE MP3 PLAYER AND THAT IS IT.  Eventually I drifted off to sleep and got up and felt better and thought to write about this experience. And I Can't Tell You Why....

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