Monday, February 18, 2013

another sunday

mostly not, but partially, devoted to reading some interesting things on the internet, such as "Women of LA" and this Short List of Male Celebrities...Well, despite his massive popularity, I wasn't exactly surprised to see Roman Polanski on it, but oh dear...even Jesus Lennon was sometimes quite abusive and nasty (not only to women, but to his own favorite son)? Sometimes I think that maybe if there were more creative collaborations amongst grown-ups (you know, like the kinds of things that little kids might actually do together naturally???) we wouldn't have these societal constructs which seem to promote viewpoints such as people who were born "fancy on the outside" are more likely to excel at respected and better-paying occupations, while people who were born "fancy on the inside" are naturally more suited to lower-paying, less respected types of occupations...although, if you have doubts, then Desmond Morris's fascinating explanation in The Human Sexes on why girls are less capable than boys at tasks like technical drawing might please you...or maybe not.

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