Sunday, October 12, 2008

That was amusing; this is serious

In the course of the work week (with a weekend squashed into it), I managed to read and feel amused by Hef, Unabridged by Carolyn See. I think that when I read it, it was also the day that a guy was telling me about how he and his girlfriend were on the outs and what a man really wants a woman to make him feel like. He also did a lot of silent standing around. After he left, the part of me that perceived him as a lonely human being felt kind of bad that I couldn't act more fascinated by the information that he was providing. However, the part of me that was amused by numerous lines in the review such as "He gave countless interviews to anyone who would ask; he opined and opined and opined," "in the '50s the magazine ran an earnest article about the moral virtue of the missionary position; it reminded women, the piece said, that men should always be on top," "Hefner is in his 80s now...(...and with the aid of Viagra) still refers to himself as a 'babe magnet'" and "It would be better for everyone to stick to the magazine" was not quashed!
ON A SERIOUS NOTE: my feet, especially the right one, need some kind of an energy healing, or else I will be limping my way through a long day tomorrow. Okay, think positive. Positive happy feet, positive happy foot. Tomorrow is a positive, happy day. Yay, happy feet!!!!

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