Tuesday, October 28, 2008

One side of my personality

Now, this morning began with a very disturbing dream. It included witnessing a young woman get repeatedly run over by cars (everything but her head), an old woman telling me she pocketed her vagina (definitely weird, and I told her so, and she gave me a creepy little smile and agreed) but then the dream was kind of positive at the end, as another young woman told me that she was going back to school and admired something about me. The other night I went with my friend to a diner and the waitress, who was from British Guyana, told us a bunch of stories about violent things that had occurred in her country, some of which offended him, as they were somewhat laced with stereotypes. "Does she assume I'm going to agree with everything she says just because we're both Indian?" he said later. Last night that diner was closed. I feel like not totally always writing in complete sentences now. At Denny's, a fudge icecream drink concoction is being promoted by the singer who sings that song, you know, it's that fake-bisexuality-to-please-hetero-guys formula who is auctioning off a plaster cast of her breasts for breast cancer awareness, is that beautifulshallowtallentedsmartwelldevelopedattractive????? A somewhat disagreeable discussion about "bimbo" behavior. My friend saw it more as an exploiting/taking advantage of your looks type of thing, but I said that in my opinion it can also be used as a shield/survival technique. I tried a version of it out in the mirror this morning, as a kind of a joke. My eyes got very big. I was actually kind of impressed with the effect.

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