Thursday, October 09, 2008

la cena ayer

Our food was very good and I really enjoyed the company, because, as I told her, "it's nice to be around someone in a similar financial situation with similar ideals." Dinner was pasta with pesto sauce and rolls with marinara sauce (baked into them) which had been made by the culinary class at the high school with basil and tomato from her community garden project which I like to help out with. A week old! But, a very cold fridge or maybe an act of a higher power (or the chemicals in the flour or spaghetti) preserved it nicely, and so we heated it up and ate it with some organic greens from the garden. GREENS! (Also I visited the Stribling orchard. Nice and picturesque! Except for the machine spraying chemicals about an acre away. Oh well.) Later we dipped cotton string in wax and made candles. My day off was really nice. Pero tengo que encontrar nueva chamba pronto.

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