Sunday, May 08, 2011

Le Bon Tradition

Yesterday a splurge(!) occurred. Ren Fair may often be happier than the happiest place on earth, but of course, there were a few wrinkles to contend with. A very enjoyably "bawdy" (isn't bawdy the most Ren Fair word ever?) troupe of women performed on stage, and their act was followed by another one with a group of men. As the first troupe departed, a well-dressed woman in the audience was telling others "This is the THE performance of the day." Their cheerleader. But, the men, though funny, were not better the first act. However, they certainly had the most audience members and the loudest participants and they were by far the most popular. I was much less energized watching them, but I seemed to be in the minority.

At the end of their show, an older woman with impressive cleavage (Ren Fair is brimming with impressive cleavage) with some kind of little cup or ornament wedged in between them, went trudging up the aisle. The man on stage urged people to see her if they were interested in recordings. "Just shout, 'Hey Tits!'" "Hey Tits!" the women and men enthusiastically shouted. Tits, however, seemed rather unjovial as she continued her grim little march toward the back. To his credit, the bawdy balladeer seemed to notice. "Just shout, 'Hey Tits?'" he quizzically repeated, in a quieter tone. They gave a hearty endorsement for the next act, another bawdy, mostly women's troupe, but the audience thinned out considerably, and the troupe performed to about one quarter of the amount of spectators. Is this the "most men don't like watching women's stuff, but women will watch men's stuff" phenomenon again?
Pretty enjoyable day overall, though.

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