Sunday, May 01, 2011


I've been mostly enjoying a book called Talking To Girls About Duran Duran. That reviewer has criticisms but most of the stuff he talked about did not occur to me. The only really annoying part I found were two overly misogynist paragraphs about Paul McCartney's ex-wife. They threw me off and made me eat some (kinda healthy) cookies I was probably better off without. Betrayal's worse when you get lulled into a false sense of security. I had to put it down and do something else for a while. (Went and watched Jane Eyre...Who Married Up...Farewell Mr. Rochester...oh there's the Jane Eyre trailer.) But other than that, I've enjoyed a lot of it. And looked up some stuff. (M: Hey, Shiny Shiny is kinda fun to watch isn't it? I think it's before our time. Hey what about Hang On Now.
Y: You know what this makes me think of? Bad eighties music!
M: Look, she's all alone in this big empty room...
Y: There's no way you are getting me to download this.)
A preview before Jane Eyre showed Forks Over Knives. (Yeah, how come those poor people are always eating so much Taco Bell anyway?)
Maybe good to go back to Brave Sir Robin.
(She would never wish to throw a fruit bowl in his face / as her feet were throbbing / and she fumed over Sudoku / Nor ever did those aching feet yearn / to kick him in the head / Brave Brave Brave Brave Sir Robin / And never no / not even once/ No never no / not even--STOP)
Y: I just finished another box of the cookies.
M: Breakfast of Champions.
Y: But they're healthy! I'm going to read you the ingredients. Concentrated fruit juice (pineapple, pear, peach), coconut, organic brown rice flour, chocolate chips...there are really hardly any chocolate chips, that picture on the cover of the box is very misleading. So really, it's like I had fruit juice, coconut, and organic brown rice...
M: Whatever lets you sleep at night.
Y: (Does violence with the empty box.)
They're cheaper than Kombucha.

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