Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Funny things

Here are some funny things about "The Artist." Most of the time, she looks like her own self. That's number one. Number two: she strangely resembles (not exactly, but it's enough) an aunt. Which happens to be the aunt that I supposedly resembled to my grandmother. Number three: Sometimes, especially with more make up, and when her checkbones look especially high, she resembles a different aunt. Number One is of course, she is just herself.
But number two and number three, I suppose, they are like extra little sprinkles on a cake. Important little sprinkles.
Number two resemblances: almost anything from the Scarlet's Walk era. And many many others. Again.
Number three resemblances: A bit more rare. But...this one. (Eye makeup, high cheekbones, purple shirt.) Maybe this one.

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