Monday, December 19, 2016

So much travel weirdness

The moment you look up from your beef jerky and crackers and see a woman sitting across the airport terminal who resembles an old college friend so much that you walk over and ask and she's very nice but of course it's not her and come to think of it she is probably too young and and the old friend has a different last name now so are you just connecting this stranger with who she once was? But still the resemblance was uncanny... You migrate to another seat... The moment you are eating fruit snacks and look up to see that a small boy is crawling towards you and smiling, and then you notice his parents appear to be enjoying two large glasses of Chardonnay and you want to laugh because it seems so incongruous, the big glasses half full as you would expect to see at a fancy dinner table instead of in a crowded airport seating area... You almost want to take a picture... The moment when you think you see your old bookstore manager...  A college roommate... Another former co-worker...

And all the pretty little electrical houses

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