Saturday, December 10, 2016

Buffet of topics

It's late...CIA...Russia...Oil....What Women Really Think of Men?

“Trump is a narcissist,” a middle-aged white woman in East Stroudsburg, Pa., told me in the early evening on Election Day. “I know,” she added, “because my husband is one, too.” She said she disliked both candidates, but she voted for Mr. Trump.

What Women Really Think of Men by Irin Carmon

Ah, this was an interesting phrase:
"the soft bigotry of low expectations."

So what if Mr. Trump is known to have crassly assessed women based solely on whether he, Mr. Trump, found them attractive, or that he has shamed women for breast-feeding or gaining weight? That’s men. That’s your husband, your father, your brother, your son.

“I cherish women,” Mr. Trump has said. But this is not the same as recognizing women’s equal humanity. As Ruth Bader Ginsburg, quoting a California judicial opinion, told the Supreme Court in 1971, “the pedestal upon which women have been placed has all too often, upon closer inspection, been revealed as a cage.” When we declare that men will always be brutes and women can only shrug from on high, we engage in what President George W. Bush once called the soft bigotry of low expectations.

What Women Really Think of Men by Irin Carmon

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