Monday, August 08, 2016

Want vs. Actual

I wanted to find this old post about teenage mutant ninja turtles (of all things) for some was weird because I remember it appearing on my phone months ago and not knowing how I got to may been something I tapped before drifting off to could have mentioned splinter and zen... believe it also had to do with mentoring and trust and role models and daughters...and I had an idea that it would be so nice to read again....but, OH WELL. Couldn't find it. So... INSTEAD... ACTUAL exasperation from these other things I did find.

"Out of 200 sales job queries, the woman wearing a low-cut top attracted 62 more interview offers than their more conservatively dressed counterpart. And just in case you’re thinking, Well, maybe that kiiiiiiinda makes sense for sales jobs, since a lower cut top might come across as more youthful and fun and stylish, guess what? The same thing happened with accounting jobs, which you would think would be more conservative: there were 68 more interview offers for the woman in the low-cut top."


"If a recent Yahoo News article is any indication, a great many men have yet to discover that sexism is wrong, but have determined that it is simply unfashionable, and must therefore be exercised judiciously.

"Sometimes it seems we haven't come a long way at all."



"Look, ladies: nobody likes a feminist killjoy!"

Men Bond Over Sexism


"We live in very different times now."

Do Men Really...

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