Wednesday, August 17, 2016

old story stuff

Vacation had been nice. Cute farmers markets! Beaches! Walks! Then the body got interesting.
Sigh. Duties of reporting. Once again...

The body was in pain (Why? This is vacation. Everything was fine. Why?) and then a story started coming.  It was about teenage girl being lectured by a woman who might have been her mother because a man was sad and it was her fault for not being friendly enough.

Mediterranean, white walls, bed, sad older man, mother lecturing girl about not being friendly enough to him.

Can you imagine being in a certain kind of story...a teenager married to a much older guy who gets sad about your behavior and then your mother actually gives you a lecture on how you're not being good enough at doing your wifely duty...really???

Wow. PAIN. Way to not get nostalgic about other times.

So the backwards order was like this:

Girl walks in garden, stumbles on older man / husband with mistress, feels betrayed.
Girl is annoyed and gets lectured by mother for not being friendly enough with husband.
Older man makes elaborate wedding preparations and sits at a table looking nervous.
(All the money and elaborate preparations in the world could not quite kill the nervousness.)

And somewhere in that order (but where? maybe at the end, maybe at the beginning, who knows)

Girl on horseback and older man on horseback, in an arrangement he made, because he wants them to get to know each other and hopefully get along with each other, and he knows she likes to go riding. Well, that was a nice gesture.

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