Thursday, August 25, 2016

por otra mano...

It really does make me feel like I have inherited some kind of history, genetic makeup, body, etc. that will not let me just go along with old bad practices just because they make some people money, and it makes me feel both sad and angry that people let money dictate how they conduct themselves when it could be much, much better...not to mention various instances of old-fashioned "benevolent sexism" and not-so-benevolent sexism...well, it will not do to get overly angry, since that will probably just make me feel worse in a number of ways including physical ones, and I will "only be hurting myself..." but poisoning the environment and creating problems for people and being sexist just to preserve some old-fashioned way of life is not something that I can be in support of right's as if I"m not allowed. Literally. As if, even if I wanted to just "go along" I am simply not allowed. And yet, apparently others are allowed. And want things to be that way.

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