Friday, June 24, 2016

Viva las...

New experiences...
Could be for everybody...

"Another thing that wasn’t familiar? The on-set vibe provided by having not only a female director, but a crew that was evenly split between the genders. “There was a really, really different kind of vibe on set,” Siff said. “It was one of those things that once you’re inside of it, because it’s just not the status quo, you’re like, ‘This is amazing!'”
Subrin’s sensibilities and sensitivities permeated every part of the production, something the filmmaker made clear to her performers early on. “She said to me, ‘Just so you know, this film is not going to have a male gaze,'” Siff remembered. “Usually, the camera is operated by a guy and it’s something that’s written by a guy and directed by a guy, so of course the camera is the male gaze. When she said that, I was intrigued."

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