Saturday, June 18, 2016


This is a tough read.

Old ghost things.

There's a story about a woman in your head? Yes but some of it is vague and not as detailed. It's just like a far off sound of screaming (because she died in childbirth). There's also the feeling of sadness before and afterward. I think it's important to heal that...

This is a bit more specific:

You are a tall attractive Nice Guy. You see an attractive woman running. Wonderful! What an opportunity. Go up and start a conversation. But this time, this one doesn't want to talk. She's trying to be nice about wanting to get away. You are so confused. Women almost always like you. They at least give you a chance. What was wrong this time? It's perplexing. Maybe you will have the opportunity to figure it out in another life.

Running is in the Bible.

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