Saturday, June 04, 2016


There are growing living things in the world that are wonderful but a fruit fly in the room is not one of them. Well. Other bugs are not so great either. It feels like there are wells of knowledge. And different people have access to different types but not all are equally valued in certain places. Small flies are not what I want around me right now. I smashed one against the door of a closet. I feel a bite on my neck, so...fear there is more than one type of fly to be dealt with. Oh. Warm wrath weather. What if I bought traps at the store (instead of just home remedy stuff). The car is not exactly reliable, but at least the second opinion didn't charge me for not finding anything, plus I got to see the work ethic of the indomitable Alex. "Alex! Alex!" Everyone there was calling his name. Young and running around and being efficient. Not at home with a worrisome car / bite / looking up all the small bugs for solutions. Please. There must be some better solutions.

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