Sunday, June 05, 2016


A religious holiday for some.
A workout day for others???

Oh exercise. If you want to get better at it, you need to identify what is useful. Everyone can benefit from it, but some people are motivated differently than others.

Sometimes I feel like America is a culture where women are supposed to be motivated to exercise so they can look great in a bikini. And then, that only works for some genetic types. Some people lose weight more easily than others. And even then, what if you're just not a person who really thrives off of that kind of attention? That's one thing. Then there is the idea that you are an older woman and you're not as thin, but that doesn't matter, because you're a mother. You made the world babies, so that's what your physical and social and societal worth is based on. Well, that works for some. It doesn't work as well for others. So what can motivate one group of people can have quite the opposite effect for others.

Exercise just for looks/ conformity: not so useful and actually more like a depression trigger. Exercise for endorphins and feeling like you are respecting yourself and developing your abilities: that's much more helpful. Feeling like you are genetic freak who doesn't fit in: not very fun. Feeling like you are unique and lots of people have their own sets of physical challenges: better. Despairing over the cost of gym membership: not helpful. Finding ways to exercise that do not include paying large fees (at the moment): much more helpful. Rigid routines: blah. Routines with some creativity and flexibility and variety incorporated: much more motivating.

And now, for something completely different:

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