Friday, June 24, 2016

Something I love

I love that I can access so many stories on the internet. REALLY.

A lot of times (esp. recently) I have skewed towards an indignant feminist's perspective, but that's not the whole of me. I also believe people can have multiple lifetimes. So I know I haven't always had this perspective. I wish I could just feel like I could be as feminist as I want with no backlash but that's like a pipe dream, now. It's just that life gave me a certain set of experiences and it tended to make me feel more quietly feminist. Like being in highschool and being "that feminist chick" without trying to be but being different anyways...

But I love both men's and women's stories and I'm so happy there's an internet with a rich treasure trove of them. We didn't always have that. Now there's so much more acceptance of different kinds of people and I love that.

There's still a lot of work to do but I just felt like being less sour about this stuff so I'm in the positivity mode now.

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