Sunday, November 22, 2015

Old ideations

Old: bla bla bla stuck working at this restaurant breathing in second hand smoke, no I don't have a boyfriend, no I don't want to go out with anyone that works here, no i don't fancy the customers, the doctor who taped up my feet, dumb sexist discrepancy in pay wages but there was that nice girl who worked at the Jane Goodall foundation...we were going to hang out, but emergency duty called and she left by the time I came back "I am draggin' you are draggin' everybody's draggin'" that was well-articulated by the server/chemist who got the manager to clarify exactly why women can't be barback...big lecturesome letters on the wall about why you are not working hard enough, look at the sous chef in the wrong way and he will say something very nasty about you in race madness women in big floppy hats and the men who buy drinks spilling everywhere...

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