Saturday, November 21, 2015

Beautiful movie watching Saturday

The artist friend flaked out again. This happens once  a year or so. I have never met her.

Finally watching La Vie en Rose.

Dinner was nice...roast chicken and edamame and greens and Syrah...

But then, that one scene was very tragic and sad.

Put the food away, please...and no more wine. For now.

I wonder how much of this is true....

Whats that...Did she do that on purpose?

Yes. She doesn't want carrot juice.

I would never do that. I love carrot juice.

Well I guess you're not Edith Piaf then.


Marion Cotillard can play a femme fatale.

In this, she is the artist.

Bravo Marion Cotillard.

Bravo Edith Piaf.

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