Thursday, November 19, 2015

Half of a ghost story

Scary Girl in Mirror 

I went to a guy who is a medium a while back. Actually, I went to a place where there are a bunch of mediums and you get randomly assigned to one. Male, female. I wanted to talk about a male friend of mine who had passed away, and the male African American medium who was assigned to me did a little of that, but he was much more interested in telling me about a young, very attractive blond woman who had died of leukemia. There is no one in my life that I know of who is like that. But he kept insisting that she was around me. "She's very attractive!" He kept saying and smiling. And I had a feeling he meant that she was very attractive not only in appearance but also her demeanor...something about it was really good...and it was so weird and I had no idea who it could be. So I sort of scratched it off as maybe he was a quack and he didn't know what he was talking about...But then...days afterwards...I started to get some ideas as to who it might be...and it was very surprising...

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