Thursday, April 03, 2014

Talking about women


Overheard in the evening:

Dude #1: "In speech class I felt like I was at an AA meeting or something. This poor girl got raped when she was fourteen and she talked about that!"

Dude #2: "Really? Like she was out in the open about it and everything?"



Over the internet:

"She is in a wheelchair right now--she is on a form of bedrest. She is in immense pain and the meds that the docs can allow her to take don't make a dent in her pain. The docs think there is something wrong with her pelvic ring. that she may have torn some tendons. she says it hurts to walk and roll over in bed. She can't drive, so someone has to drive her to work every day. they can't run tests that would pin point what the issue is b/c of her pregnancy. so she has to be in pain- and even more so as the baby gets bigger. She is around 34 weeks now, so she has about 5 more weeks of her pregnancy."



Poem line from a friend in my inbox in the morning:

The Professor Cries by Ruth Stone

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