Monday, April 28, 2014

"Cortical" issues and remedies and issues

“When people learn of errors they've made, the brain sets off what study co-author Michael Inzlicht calls a 'cortical alarm bell.' While this alert can be helpful in terms of self-correction, too much vigilance can lead to a frazzled state of mind. Religion, and its accompanying sense of order, provide insulation against such distress.

'These brain signals occur within a few hundredths of a second,' says Inzlicht, associate professor of psychology at the University of Toronto Scarborough. 'Although that sounds trivial, (dampened alerts) over the course of a lifetime can translate into years in which a person enjoys greater equanimity and greater grace under pressure.'” 

"Coping strategies, through the use of ritual, superstition, and even highly somatic experiences, remain pervasive. Nigerians, for instance, may have been deemed some of the happiest people in the world in spite of their challenges, but they also suffer to a significant degree from a culture-bound form of hysteria known as sleep paralysis. Sufferers of this experience will wake up in the middle of the night and find themselves completely stifled and unable to move. The feeling is understood as being ridden by a demon or a witch. Variations on this theme of being cursed or bound or transfixed by sorcery abound throughout Africa. A recipe or counterspell is then called for, and often purchased at markets." 

(I have a feeling that people in many places have experienced that sleep paralysis...)

"Yoga works by turning off the sympathetic nervous system – your flight or fight response state-of-being, in the stressed-out mode – and restoring the body to its base levels of the parasympathetic nervous system – your relaxation response – through mindful breathing. Just one one-hour class can lower your heart rate and blood pressure, allowing beneficial blood flow to the digestive and reproductive organs and the endocrine and lymphatic systems"

"And remember, somebody else has it worse."

Somehow, I ran across Phyllis Schlafly...

"Suppose the pay gap between men and women were magically eliminated. If that happened, simple arithmetic suggests that half of women would be unable to find what they regard as a suitable mate."

who I first heard about after Christine de Pizan was compared to her in one of my literature books. And then....

"Diana Davison is an artist, writer, and cartoonist with a background in the film industry. As a Canadian she has a good vantage point in the North for observing the insanity created by the Feminist lobby. With vast experience in being female she has decided to use her talents at having a vagina to speak out against her fellow Woxan."

GIIC, the religious (and others) might say...

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