Tuesday, April 10, 2012

sometimes it's night

and then the questions come
so brother, how was that stint in the military
i was just wondering
how did that work out for you
sometimes i feel like i have some bones to pick
and pick and pick and pick
you and whose army?
sometimes night feels like dancing on the beach
only it was just dancing a little on a walkway on the way out
to put an important document in the car
i might be wrong
it's night time
it could be now
or it could be 300 years ago, or more
who knows what one is doing sometimes? who cares?
i confess, today i was quite impressed with this

it's the most meaty thing ever pulled by these hands
(formerly vegetarian-ish hands)
from an oven
ribs + oranges were a late lunch
very greasy and citrusy
maybe sometimes ancient roman soldiers ate like that
i wonder if oranges always grew in italy
independent contractor tax stuff takesforfuckingever
spinning plates
(there's even more rib imagery in that version!
did not even plan that...)

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