Saturday, April 21, 2012


I quite like.
I quite love pools sometimes.
I had some good experiences in pools.
So, I was terrified of drowning in a pool.
The swimming instructor at the Watervliet Arsenal freaked me out with her pretending to be drowning.  The swimming lessons weren't going so well. Frustrated father threw me in a pool, then had to come back in and rescue me. Bubbles sinking limbs going down...okay good thing I didn't drown...
And finally, at a babysitter's house, teenage girls were the ones who taught me to swim.
One day I paddled into the deep end, all proud.
Then I would slowly swim up from the bottom, admiring the sun's rays as they shone down through the top of the water. (A favorite thing.) 
So I can really love pools sometimes.
The Blue Jeans video has a pool.
I am thinking this artist is quite good. I think so!
Of course people do like variety and want to not listen to the same songs and artists all the times.
(All the times? I just don't want to be proper about grammar sometimes.) But lately, I do like seem to be liking this artist very much sometimes.... 

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