Monday, April 23, 2012


a while ago i had a rather amusing drive to a bookstore
perhaps it was several months ago by now
i was zoning out while driving, and i started laughing
something was seeming very funny
it seemed like someone in the universe was grumbling about me
it was like this:
grumble grumble grumble (very low, maybe even in a language i couldn't understand) rowr rowr rowr and then more distinctly, in english I FORGAVE YOU but it was sounding soooo grouchy! then rowr rowr rowr grumble grumble something something something some more...
couldn't understand exactly what it was but it was really funny
maybe it was because of something about complaining about misogynists
it makes me wonder if i should find something to complain about misogynists again
maybe i should do that and then try to zone out and see what happens...
i would have to find something to get worked up about
that is seeming to not be happening right now
but i remember part of a song:

Daughters of feminists bruise so easily
Daughters of feminists hurt.
Daughters of feminists curtsey and skip
Daughters of feminists flirt.
They say, "Please mommy can I do the dishes?
And let's make a pie for my brother!"
Are they sincere?
Are they crazy or
Are they just trying to stick it to mother

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