Friday, April 06, 2012

dreams contrasting

one dream is set in the place where you used to live & it's as if you live there again & flying things are smashing into buildings & it's an i can't believe this is happening kind of dream
next night:
no, wait, that's not true...
different kind of dream
trekking into woods with a bag of big, flat children's picture books...intending to work on something in a cabin...more than a little bit thoreauish...enter the cabin and realize it is partially composed of tent rooms & the rain is coming in, but some rooms in the cabin are cozy and dry...some of the tents are sealed and good, but obviously some of the tent rooms need some work
(not in the dream, but the Fixing A Hole song comes to mind)
other people are around & ask/expect you to take some kids on a nature walk...slightly sticky situation because it might be nice, but you didn't plan on it & it's the only day of the week you are free to be there & you want to work on your own thing & have to try to explain this
also, the dreams have different kinds of endings
one is not so tragic
more like awkward

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