Friday, April 20, 2012

Movies & Music

Last night, it was decided to watch Romy and Michelle's High School reunion. I had never watched it! It's pretty upbeat overall. "That movie's old!" said the 22-year old roommate. HIGH - SCHOOL! Well, while some people were doing more exciting things back then, someone else was culling songs from a CD Collection. She found the City of Angels CD. Some examples of songs to sing: With Every Breath I Take (Duet),  What You Don't Know... and The Tennis Song. Maybe when she sang the tennis song, a friend said "the ball is in your court." What? What do you mean. What? That was it. Oh well...sing sing sing away... Were there weird little statements thrown out sometimes? Perhaps someone should have tried to arrange them into a clearer and more specific thesis statement. Anyways. Many years later, she might think, Hmmm... Did that get said? Huh... Does that mean...I have a ball, in my court? I have a ball. In my court. Or had a ball. Or have a ball? That sounds like a lot of responsibility, doesn't it? Oh, goody...I hope so...because... Illooooveresponsibility!!!!!alot!

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