Wednesday, April 18, 2012


All things shall perish from under the sky
music alone shall live music alone shall live
music alone shall live never to die
--German folksong sung in a round, but in English

It is a bit weird, isn't it, to keep returning over and over to the same topic. Almost like a mental fetish. Does it have a point? Who knows...but, nice people congregated in an art class once...neighbors with a senses of humor...and aspirations! One wanted to be like Georgie Porgie, for example. Ha ha. So funny. Don't feel bad if we can't go out. Why don't you just go off and have some fun? One girl listens to a guardian's music collection. Baby You Can Drive My Car. Okay, I'll drive your car! Other girl sings too. Beatles. Okay, you can drive her car, too. Ha ha! Joking around all the time! What. Why are some of the people giving each other funny looks? What is that about? Why not just sing? Sing sing sing! Whatever...

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